Chapter 19

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《A Few Months Later》

The next few months went by pretty quickly. Nothing major really happened. The team got called out for the occasional mission about two to three times a week, Loki did his best to refrain from stabbing Thor as did I, Clint fell out of the ceiling a few more times, each time getting up and acting like nothing happened, Tony and Bruce came out to the rest of the team and announced that they were dating, and Thor sent me cat memes four times a day, everyday, for a month until I stabbed him.

Over the past few months, I have came to the conclusion that I may possibly like Loki in a more than friends context. I have played it off as though I just like him as a friend and everything has been good between us.

I figured out how to use my phone pretty well without having to throw it across the room and having Thor do everything on it for me.

Last month, Tony announced that the Avengers would be going on a little trip for the last few weeks of December. These weeks included the week of mine and Loki's birthdays, Christmas and New Years. Other than telling us to pack for colder weather, Tony gave us little to no info on where we're going or what we're doing on said trip.

It is currently 5 am on December 15, a few minutes before we are leaving for our trip.


"Miss Alderdottir, Mr. Stark needs your bags in the car in the next 5 minutes. He threatened to leave you if you don't...and I quote..."get your ass down here and put your damn bags in the fucking car." I don't think he was joking." Jarvis informed.

I groaned and stuffed the rest of my last minute items into my suitcase, zipping it up and grabbing my backpack before turning off my lights and walking into the hallway.

Loki was waiting for me and used his magic to teleport both mine and his bags into our designated car.

We walked down the hallway and into the elevator, pushing the button for the lobby.

The elevator dinged and we walked out as the doors opened, making our way through the lobby and out of the glass doors.

The team was split into two groups, allowing us to take two different cars and prevent some arguing.

One car contained Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Nat. The other contained me, Loki. Thor, and Steve.

We got into our cars and drove off shortly after.

Steve was in the driver's seat, Thor sat in the passenger seat, and Loki and I were in the back.

The car ride to the airport, where we would be taking Tony's private jet, was about twenty minutes.

Once we arrived at the airport, we grabbed our bags from the trunk of the car and met up with the rest of the team.

"How was the ride?" Nat asked.

"Terrible. Steve wouldn't let us listen to anything with cussing in it so we were stuck with boring elevator music. He also wouldn't go over 40 mph." I grumbled and walked with Loki onto the jet.

"Y/n, I was going the speed limit." Steve defended and followed after me.

"So? Tony was going over 100 mph and he didn't get caught. They got here a whole ten minutes before us." I shot back.

"Maybe next time you should drive."

"Maybe I will! How hard could it be?"

Clint and Tony laughed and followed the rest of the team onto the jet.

I sat my bags down with everyone else's and made my way over to one of the seats.

Before sitting down, I took the book that Loki was reading from his hands and sat down across from him.

"Y/n, give that back!" He shouted.

"Make me." I smirked.

Loki got up and stood in front of me, placing his hands on the arm rests of my seat. I held back the blush that was coming to my cheeks and kept my cool.

"Is this supposed to make me give your book back?" I asked with a smirk.

"Don't play coy. You know you like it." Loki grinned mischievously.

"See that's the thing...I don't." I teased.

Truthfully, I did like it but I wouldn't actually tell him that. It was definitely a challenge to keep the blush from coming onto my face. The only actual thought running through my mind the entire time was how close our faces were and how badly I wanted to kiss him. Loki, I swear if you are reading my mind right now I will kill you.

Loki let out a playful huff and pulled away from me, grabbing his book from my hands in the process and sitting back down across from me.

"Jarvis, take off." Tony ordered.

The jet started to shake and rumble for a second before starting to move and lifting off the ground.

"There's no pilot?" Steve asked.

"Yeah there is." Tony replied.

"Who is it?"


"You are letting the safety of the entire team rest in the hands of a robot?" Thor asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Tony gave a cocky smile.

I rolled my eyes and rested my head in my hand before tucking my legs up beside me, looking out the window and drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Darling." Loki whispered with a soft smile. He looked back down to his book and resumed reading where he left off.

Little did I know, he felt the same way and this was just his way of showing it. He wouldn't admit it however, in fear of rejection and getting hurt. On the outside he may be a strong and intimidating God, but deep down he's all fluff.

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