Chapter 23

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We all ate and talked for a while before we turned on a Christmas movie. I believe it was called Elf.

By the end of the movie, the team had already gone to their rooms except for Thor, Loki and I. I was asleep with my head in Loki's lap.

Loki looked down at me and smiled to himself, brushing the hair from my face.

"You like her, don't you brother?" Thor asked in a hushed tone.

"I do not." Loki denied.

"Yes you do. I've seen the way you look at her and it's not the way you look at everyone else. With the team you're brooding and closed off. But with Lady Y/n, you're caring and open with her. Your eyes light up when she walks into a room."

"I don't want to have this conversation with you."

"See what I mean? If it were Y/n talking about this with you, you wouldn't have the heart to tell her no." Thor smiled.

"Will you go away if I say that I like her?" Loki grumbled.

"Not until you actually admit it."

"Fine, you oaf! I like her okay?!" Loki whisper yelled.

Thor's face lit up as he got up and clapped his brother on the shoulder before walking off to his room to do Thor things.

I stirred in my sleep moved my arm under my head.

Loki's smiled contently before picking me up bridal style and carrying me up to my room. I snuggled into his chest while he held me in his arms.

Once he got to my door, he teleported inside, not wanting to wake me by trying to open the door with me in his arms.

He laid me down on my bed and cast the cold spell on my room before placing a kiss on my forehead and walking out of my room, slipping into his own.


I woke up to the sun blasting through the large glass windows and door to my balcony. I groaned and turned to face the door. However, I was met by Nat standing in my doorway, waiting for me to get up.

"You know it's really creepy to watch someone sleep, right?" I said, rubbing my eyes and sitting up a little.

"I wasn't watching you, I was waiting for you to wake up so I could give you your birthday present before everyone else." She replied, making her way over to my bed and sitting down next to me before handing me a red gift bag.

I sat up the rest of the way and took the bag from her grasp. I pulled out the tissue paper and threw it on the floor, then took out the contents of the bag.

There was a thigh holster and a set of silver rings.

"Thank you!" I told her and gave her a quick hug.

"Come downstairs, the team is dying to give you the rest of your presents." She spoke and made her way out of my room.

I got up and went into the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later and going into the closet.

I grabbed a black sweater and a pair of light jeans, slipping them both on before pulling on a pair of socks and black winter boots.

I walked out of my closet and grabbed my phone before going downstairs.

The team was in the living room, sitting patiently on the couches, waiting for me to arrive.

Thor greeted me first and led me over to the couches, telling me to sit, and handing me a box after I did.

I opened the box. There was a necklace and a few other little things in it.

"That's from me." Steve stated.

"Thank you!" I thanked and Thor handed me a gift bag.

I threw the tissue paper on the ground and pulled out the items in the bag. There was a pair of socks that had little turtles on them and a small keychain of a Snowdrop flower.

"That one is from me." Thor claimed.

I nodded and thanked him before he gave me another bag. This one contained a charcoal gray leather jacket and a $300 gift card to the mall back in New York.

"That one is from Bruce and I." Tony smirked.

I thanked him.

I opened the last of the presents the team had given me. It was from Clint. He had gotten me a bracelet that had an arrowhead for a charm.

"I'll give you mine later." Loki informed.

I nodded and smiled at him.

I thanked the team and grabbed my things, Loki helped and walked with me up to my room.

We placed the items down on my bed.

With a flash of green magic, a long box appeared on my desk.

I looked up to Loki and he nodded, signaling me to open it. I opened it and revealed a badass looking katana.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, unsheathing the katana and admiring it.

"Do you like it?" Loki asked worriedly.

"I love it! Thank you!" I resheathed the blade and sat it down before I wrapped my arms around Loki's torso, pulling him into a tight hug.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders but pulled out of the embrace a few moments later.

"I do have another present for you, but I you'll have to wait until we get back to the tower for it." He informed.

I nodded.

"Miss Alderdottir, Mr. Laufeyson, breakfast is ready." Jarvis informed.

I grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him back downstairs.

We sat down at the table and ate breakfast with the team.

Once we finished, everyone went into the living room except for Thor, Loki and I. We were finishing our conversation when Thor pushed Loki and I into the doorway.

"Look who's under the mistletoe!" Nat smirked.

Loki and I looked up and back to each other. Both our faces slightly turning pink. Damn you Thor.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Tony started chanting. Loki shot him a glare an Tony shut up.

Loki then looked back to me with a nervous smile. "May I?" He asked.

I nodded and he cupped the left side of my face with his hand before slightly leaning down and locking our lips together, both our Midgardian and Asgardian personas flickering back into our Jotun forms in the process.

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