Chapter 35

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5 Months Later

The past few months were the best few months of my life. Tony and Bruce have been dating for a little over a year now. Nat and I have become extremely close. She and Thor are like the siblings I never had.

Loki and I have grown closer and our bond has become stronger. I've only had a few nightmares since that night, each one the same as the last: I overhear my father talking about how he killed my mother, I confront him, shit goes down, bada bing bada boom I blow up Jotunheim. I haven't told him the entire reason why my father wanted to exile me. I've tried to tell him multiple times, however either something comes up or it's just not the right time.


I finished putting my clean clothes into my dresser in my closet before walking out.

I went to grab the turtle food off my desk for Turtle Thor and Turtle Loki when I felt an unknown presence standing behind me. I instinctively grabbed my katana from off my desk and unsheathed it before whipping around and holding the katana to the person's neck.

"WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! I'M ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS! PLEASE DON'T DECAPITATE ME!" The person yelled as he tensed up, fell backwards onto the floor, and raised his hands defensively.

He looked around 16 years old. He had deep chocolate brown eyes and hair. He was wearing a light blue sweatshirt with a plaid shirt underneath, light gray jeans, and worn down, dirty gray sneakers.

"Jarvis?" I called, keeping my katana held to the boy's neck.

"Stand down Miss Alderdottir. He is telling the truth." Jarvis informed.

I lowered my katana, my stern and firm look falling off my face as I resheathed it and placed it back on my desk.

I held out a hand and helped him up.

"I-I'm Peter Parker." He gave an awkward smile.

"Y/n." I stated.

"You're not going to kill me right?" Peter asked.

I let out a laugh and shook my head. "Not unless you give me a reason to."

He looked like he was going to say something but was interrupted by another voice coming from the hallway.

"Yo, Peter!" Another boy called as he walked into my room.

He looked around the same age as Peter and had dirty blonde hair with baby blue

"He's my friend." Peter informed.

"Hey, you're cute." Harley stated as he walked farther into the room. "I'm Harley, and you are?"

"Dating the God of Mischief and a lot older than you." I laughed.

Harley's face froze, realizing he had just hit on Loki's girlfriend.

I laughed again before grabbing the turtle food from my desk and heading over to Turtle Thor and Turtle Loki.

"Woah! You have pet turtles?!" Peter exclaimed.

I nodded and placed the food into the habitat before placing the container back on my desk.

Peter walked over to the tank and admired the turtles as Harley directed his gaze to my bed.

"You have a snake too?!" Harley exclaimed and Peter turned around.

I turned around with a confused look and directed my vision to where they were looking.

On my bed, sat a green snake coiled up on my pillow with its head perched up, watching Harley and Peter.

I stifled a laugh before speaking. "Nope."

"Then why is there a sna-" Peter started, but was soon interrupted by the snake transforming into Loki.

Screaming erupted from both Harley and Peter's mouths as Peter scrambled to his feet and jumped into Harley's arms.

"Darling, are these kids bothering you?" Loki smirked.

"Hey Lokes." I smiled and walked over to him, giving him a quick peck on the lips as the screaming stopped.

Harley regained his composure and dropped Peter on the floor.

"Ow!" Peter yelped and got up. "Hi, Mr. Loki. I-I'm Peter. But you probably already knew that since you've been here the whole time." Peter's voice trailed off.

Loki gave a sly smile to the teen and looked to Harley who gulped.

"I-I'm gonna go." Harley stuttered before walking out of the room and pulling Peter with him.

I laughed at first but soon stopped and my facial expression turned to sorrow.

Loki looked to me with a worried look. "Y/n? What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something." I started.

Loki nodded for me to continue.


"No, what is it?" Loki asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Well, yes and no." I spoke.

Loki looked to me with a confused stare.

"I can't have kids." I blurted.

"We don't have to have kids. If I ever made you feel like we have to, I didn't mean it in that way." He sputtered.

"No, I mean I physically can't have kids, Loki. I can't get pregnant, it's not possible. I'm worthless, my father knew it and that's why he wanted to get rid of me." My eyes brimmed with tears and I looked away from him.

"Hey, look at me." Loki spoke firmly and placed his hand underneath my chin, turning my head and making me look at him. "You are not worthless, Y/n. Your father was a moronic oaf who didn't see what I see in you. I don't ever want to hear you say that you are worthless. You are beautiful and strong. Having kids was never something that I would have forced you into and I sure as Hel wouldn't leave you for you not being able to have said children. As long as I have you, I don't need anything more. I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too." I choked out as tears steamed down my face.

Loki pulled me to his chest and stroked my hair as I wept into his shirt.

"Shhhh." Loki soothed.

I calmed my breathing and looked back up to him. He wiped the remaining tears from my face with his thumbs before kissing my lips passionately.

I melted at his touch as I kissed back.

He broke away and pulled me onto his lap. I put my legs on either side of his body and buried my face into his shirt as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

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