Chapter 22

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I brushed the water from my face before pushing a large wave of water into Loki's.

"CANNONBALL!!" Thor shouted from the top of the slide. He jumped down from the platform and crashed into the water. Anyone and anything in and around the pool was soaked.

"Thor, you oaf!" Loki grumbled and sent a wave of water into Thor's face as he resurfaced.

Loki moved over to the steps of the pool and got out. I followed shortly behind. He used his magic to dry us both off and change us into more comfortable clothing.

"Wanna so something?" I asked.

"Sure." Loki replied.

We made our way out of the pool room and up to Loki's room.

I opened his door and flopped down on his bed, sinking into the mattress. Loki soon joined me after placing his book back where he had gotten it and grabbing the TV remote.

He scrolled through the list of movies and shows before stopping on Frozen.

"This is like the fifth time we've watched this movie." I stated.

"Your point?" Loki responded.

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I could really go for right now?"

"Chocolate cake and hot chocolate." Loki and I said at the same time.

"How did yo- Did you read my mind?"

"Maybe." Loki smirked.

"I told you to quit doing that! I don't need you reading all my thoughts 24/7." I grumbled.

"And what's my response every time?"

"I'm the God of Mischief, following the rules is not in my nature." I muttered along with Loki.

I looked to my left and saw the snow coming down hard outside.

I gasped and grabbed Loki's wrist, pulling him off the bed and onto his balcony.

I closed my eyes and tipped my face to the sky as I took in the cold winds, snowflakes falling onto my face and sticking in my hair.

Loki watched me in admiration for a second before he realized he was staring and turned away. He rested his forearms on the railing and leaned forward a bit.

Eventually my neck got tired from having my head tipped back for too long. I reopened my eyes and looked forward.

Loki was standing to the left of me, lost in thought.

"What's on your mind?" I asked him.

"Are we getting each other gifts for our birthdays? I know it's more of a Midgardian tradition and I don't know about you but I've never really celebrated my birthday." He responded and looked to me.

"I never really celebrated mine either. I mean I already got you a gift and it's kinda too late to return it."

Loki let out a breathly laugh and smiled. "I may or may not have gotten you something too." He admitted.

"Is the God of Mischief going soft on me?" I teased and punched his arm playfully.

"I take it back. It's not too late to return my gift for you so don't tempt me." He back peddled.

I laughed and sat down down on the floor of the snow covered balcony, placing my back up against the side railing.

Loki dropped from where he was standing and sat down across from me.

"You never really talk about your life back on Asgard, what was it like?" I inquired.

"What's there to tell?" He replied and tucked his knees up closer to him, resting both his arms on them.

"Do you have a princess or prince waiting for you to get back?"

Loki looked up to me with a smirk before shaking his head. "No. I've never really been in a committed relationship before. Everyone always threw themselves all over Thor while I was left in the corner to be viewed as his annoying little brother."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." I stated as I looked at the sad expression making its way onto Loki's face.

"It's fine. What about you? Did you have anyone before the whole blowing up Jotunheim thing happened?" He asked.

"I mean there was a few people, but it wasn't anything serious." I responded. "And my first interaction with a mortal...well you know how that went." I let out a laugh.

Loki laughed along with me and looks down to his hands.

I drew shapes in the snow beneath me.

Loki watched me for a second before giving a mischievous grin.

I looked up just as a giant ball of snow crashed into my face, knocking me back a little. I let out a huff and wiped the snow from my face.

"You're gonna pay for that!" I exclaimed and stood up.

"Oh am I?" Loki smirked and stood up from where he was sitting.

I reached down and picked up a ball of snow, packing it tightly together before throwing it at Loki hitting him in the shoulder.

"Even?" Loki asked.

"Ye-" I started but was interrupted by a snowball hitting me in the stomach.

Loki laughed.

"Oh it's on!" I grabbed a large handful of snow and chucked it at him, striking him in the neck.

Loki wiped off the snow and threw a few more handfulls at me, causing me to fall backwards and burst into laughter.

"Truce?" I asked holding my hand out.

Loki let out another laugh before grabbing my hand to shake it. I gripped his hand tighter and pulled him down, making him land on top of me.

I laughed as he groaned and rolled onto his back.

"Come on, you really think I was gonna give up that easily?" I smirked.

"Shut up." He laughed and looked up to me.

I locked eyes with him and smiled. His eyes stayed on mine until we were knocked out of our gaze by Thor.

"Lady Y/n, Loki, dinner is done!" Thor's voice boomed.

I nodded and got up, pulling Loki up with me.

We walked with Thor out of Loki's room.

The entire walk to the kitchen, Thor kept wiggling his eyebrows at me and giving me a slight nudge with his elbow every now and then.

By the time we had gotten down to the kitchen, I had drop kicked Thor and was now walking side by side with Loki.

There was a box of pizza sitting on the counter. I grabbed two slices and placed them on my plate before flopping down on the couch beside Clint.

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