Chapter 34

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My eyes fluttered open and I groaned slightly, trying to stretch but I was stopped when I felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

I fully woke up and found myself laying on top of Loki, my head resting on his collarbone, our bare bodies tangled together and the sheets.

I felt Loki move slightly underneath me as he woke up. He let out a groan and fluttered his eyes open before looking down at me.

My eyes met his and I smiled. He returned the smile and kissed my forehead before tightening his grip on my waist.

I smiled contently and snuggled my face into his messy hair, resting one of my hands on his shoulder, and the other on his bare chest.

"Goodmorning, Darling." Loki spoke in a deep sleepy voice.

"Goodmorning, Lokes." I hummed.

"Sleep well?"

"Definitely." I smiled.

"You're not having second thoughts about me, are you?" He inquired.

"Definitely not." I laughed against his neck. "You?"


I pulled back from his neck and looked into his eyes before pressing my lips to his.

I smiled and broke the kiss.

"I'm hungry." I stated and wiggled out of Loki's grasp.

He smirked and pulled me back onto him, my naked body colliding with his.

"Loki!" I laughed.

He kissed me passionately one last time before letting me get up.

I scrambled off the bed and grabbed my bra and underwear from the floor, quickly slipping them on as Loki did the same.

I grabbed his shirt of the floor and pulled it on before Loki could grab it.

I gave him a devilish smirk before sexily bending over and grabbing my shorts, making sure my lacy underwear were visible from beneath Loki's shirt.

Loki wrapped his arms around me from behind as I stood back up. He pushed my hair to one of my shoulders and trailed kisses from the base of my neck to my jaw.

"Darling, you might want to put on some clothes or it'll be a while before we leave the bedroom." Loki spoke smoothly into my ear.

I blushed and pulled out of his embrace, pulling on my shorts and giving him a kiss.

"I'm keeping the shirt." I spoke and walked around him, making sure to sway my hips and ass more, knowing that Loki was watching.

I unlocked my door and opened it. There was a blue sticky note on the other side of my door which read:

Team went out for breakfast. Didn't want to wake you two love birds.
~ Nat


smiled to myself and pulled the note off my door before crumbling it and tossing it in my trashcan.

I walked out and down to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I grabbed some juice from the fridge and sat down at the island, waiting for Loki to get downstairs.

A few minutes later, Loki strolled in shirtless.

I choked on my juice I was drinking and hid my face from his gaze.

He smirked and walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know why you're so flustered by seeing me without a shirt. You've seen me naked." Loki smirked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I stated, hopping off my stool and walking over to him.

I wrapped his arms around his torso and looked up to him. I snaked my hand to the back of his head and pulled it down for his lips to meet mine.

"Jump." Loki said into the kiss.

I jumped and wrapped my legs around his body. He gripped my thighs and sat me on the counter.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth as we continued to make out.

After a few minutes, I pulled away.

"As much as I would love to continue this, we are in the kitchen and there are cameras everywhere. I would rather not be yelled at by Tony for having sex in his kitchen."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Surprise me."

Loki nodded and began to grab the ingredients for a surprise dish.

After a lot of groaning and complaining that the tower has nothing edible to use, Loki ended up just using his magic to give himself the necessary ingredients he needed.

About a half hour later, Loki handed me a plate which held eggs, sausage, toast, and mini pancakes.

I thanked him as he sat down next to me and started eating with me.

We talked and ate for a while before putting our dishes into the dishwasher. I went back up to my room and took a quick shower.

Loki pulled on a shirt before heading back into my room and flopping down on the bed, waiting for me to get done.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body before walking out of my bathroom.

I smirked as Loki watched me go into my closet. I put on a bra and underwear then pulled back on Loki's t-shirt and a pair of lightly colored jeans.

I walked out of my closet and ran a towel through my damp hair. I threw the towel into my hamper and walked over to Turtle Thor and Turtle Loki. I placed some of the food into the habitat before joining Loki on my bed.

I turned on the TV and scrolled through the list of movies before finding one I found interesting and clicking on it. I placed the remote down beside me and Loki wiggled closer to me. I played with his hair as he placed his head on my stomach and wrapped his arms around me.

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