"It would make things better..."

"On yer end, maybe. I am civil with her and that's all I need to be."

"If you tried a little harder then it would be easier for everyone. Doesn't it get annoying holding all that bitterness inside?"

"It gets muckle tiring holding back my hand from punching ye square in the mouth, ye git." She snarled, taking Higgs aback. "As I said, I'm trying to wash my hands of it and deal with it. Ye dinnae have to worry about it for much longer anyway. An ye decide to go through with yer plan, ye'll most likely go ahead and marry the lass. Once ye have, Edgar and I will be out of yer hair."

"What do you mean?"

"Ye ken I'm going to work under ye and keep exposing myself to this misery? Ye've lost yer head."

"You said you wouldn't leave if that happened! You also said that you would accept whatever decision I made on this matter!" Higgs laughed bitterly, running his fingers through his hair. "I should have known there would be stipulations to your glorious promises."

"My promises didnae involve me! It's quite a different thing when my own heart isnae involved."

"No one asked you to fall in love! That was the whole point of not telling you about how the curse was broken in the first place!"

"Oh weel arenae ye the saint? Ye spared me that detail! Well for yer information, it wouldnae have matter an ye told me or not, I would have fallen in love with ye either way. I didnae care about what happened to ye or what ye turned into, I just cared about ye in general. Ye used to be so good and kind and loving... That's another reason why I cannae shake that something is going on. Ever since ye've been with Lady Elizabeth ye've become so hateful and mean, ye start fights for no reason and ye bring up things just to hurt me. Ye do it on purpose."

"Maybe I've always been this way."

"Ye have not." Merida sighed. "Why do we keep ending up like this, Mr. Higgs?"

"I'm just telling the truth and your Scottish temper goes wild."

Merida bristled. "Telling the truth, eh?"

"Just like you. Isn't that your specialty? Or can you not handle when someone else is as witty as you?"

Merida laughed. "Is that what being a venomous viper is supposed to be? Ye trying to be like me?" Merida cupped under his chin, taking him off guard. "Oh, Laird Northumberly, no one is like me. No matter how long ye ken ye know me, I will always be two steps ahead of ye." Higgs pulled from her hand. "The difference between ye and me is that when I pull up things ye dinnae want to hear, it's to make ye aware of the problems that I have overlooked and finally can't anymore. Things that will help ye become a better person. Ye pull things up to stab into me, like a knife in my throat. I'm not perfect, but I have been 100% honest with ye in all things. There's not much ye can dig up to help me with my life, but ye know how to dig up a hatchet well and enough. I'll tell ye what, next time something bad happens to ye, how about ye wait for Elizabeth to risk everrathing for ye. I mean, she's shown such great potential so far, right? Maybe it's time that she proves her loyalty to ye like I've done."

"Would you have me go get hurt or kidnapped? At least with her I don't seem to be in danger every time I turn around."

"With a woman like her, all ye have to do is wait. An she proves to me that she is going to do what I would do for ye, then I will be the most charming maid to ever serve this house under Laird and Lady Northumberly. I'll even be the governess to yer children. How nice of me."

"Don't worry about it, I don't think you'll have the chance. You're fired, Merida."

Merida smiled. "Good riddance to ye too."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now