A few days later after Higgs had finally fully recovered from his bout of unexplained sickness, everyone was getting ready to rehearse the ceremony and make sure everyone knew their places and such. Radek brought Edgar with him when he came for the wedding. As promised, Higgs wrote a letter to Elizabeth to let him know that he was doing well and was accepting visitors again.

As seemed to be her new usual, one day Elizabeth came to the Northumberly home unannounced with Gretchen. She was let in by Marlow as Higgs ran down the stairs in just a shirt and bare feet, his normal shirt way too big for his childish body. Seeing Elizabeth, his face brightened and he ran towards her.

"Elizabeth!" he yelled happily.

Elizabeth smiled a little uncomfortably but knelt down in front of him.

"Oh, hello... um..."

"It's me!" he yelled, flapping his sleeves like wings.

Elizabeth turned her head at him, looking into his gray eyes.

"Higgs!" They both looked up as Merida ran to the banister. "What have I told ye about running around when ye're like that? Come up here and get properly dressed." She made a face at seeing Elizabeth. "Oh, Lady Hinkley. We werenae expecting ye."

"Am I missing something?" she asked, looking quite confused.

"Welcome to the month of the phoenix." She turned her attention to Higgs. "Ye need to get up here and get dressed properly. Ye're verra indecent and in front of Lady Hinkley too. Arenae ye ashamed?"

"No." he said with a belligerent grin as he grabbed Elizabeth's hand. "Come on! She has to catch us first!"

"Um..." Elizabeth said, looking so confused as Higgs practically dragged her from the mansion and out the back door.

Merida scoffed as she rolled her eyes and made her way down the stairs. Gretchen watched her from the bottom and smiled.

"Tough break?" she asked with a smirk.

"That little brat is fast!"

"Have you tried sweet-baiting him? Usually worked for me."

"Aye, I tried that and the little bastard grabbed a sweet and ran off like the Devil was about him. Sneaky beastie. An he's going to be a child for a while, then he needs to change his clothing to reflect as such."

"You got him children's clothing?"

"Aye, but he usually turns back sometime within the day, so that means that I have to bring two sets." She sighed. "I need to catch him so we can get to the wedding rehearsal. He's already making us later than we need to be and I cannae waste time being cheeky."

Just at that time, Elizabeth came back in holding Higgs, his face red and his eyes wet. Merida put her hands on her hips.

"What happened?"

"I stubbed my toe!"

"Weel then. That's what ye get for being defiant. Now ye've let Lady Hinkley see ye acting like a silly bairn. Let her alone and come and get yer clothes changed so we can leave."

Higgs sniffled again as he shimmied down from Elizabeth's arms, limping to the stairs. Merida smacked his bottom as he passed her.

"Get dressed, ye divvy. And tell Edgar to hurry up as weel."

"TeLl eDgAr To HuRry Up As WeLl..." he mocked as he headed up the stairs.

Merida rolled her eyes as she put her hands on her hips to make sure he went upstairs. She turned to Elizabeth.

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now