She takes the two items that are hers and lays them on the table. "Thank you so much. It means a lot that you even came." I hug her awkwardly and then leave them to finish getting ready.

I then head over to where the boys are getting Edward ready. "Can I come in?" I ask them.

"Yes," Someone answers from the inside.

"Hi," I greet them.

"Hey, Nat, nice to see you again," Emmett says.

"Hello, Natalia," Jasper greets.

"I have something for Edward," I step forward and he does too.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Bella's family is Greek and one Greek tradition is giving the groom a sugar cube to ward off bad spirits," I tell him, handing him the sugar cube. "They keep one in their jacket pockets and the bride keeps one on them to keep away negative energy and to show that they are always connected."

"Thank you," He says sincerely.

"You're welcome, I'll see you after the ceremony," I tell all of them and then leave the room. I walk downstairs and head to the back where the wedding is being held. I find Carlisle and Esme and they tell me what row to sit in. I brought Leo with me since they expected me to have my plus one sitting next to me. On my other side is Bree, the girl I saved from being killed earlier this summer. She smiles at me and I give her a small one back. 

Soon the music for Bella to walk down the aisle starts and we all stand. We see her and Charlie come out together. He makes it to the end and gives her away to Edward. To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to the vows. I'll just blame it on my ADHD. The next thing I know they're kissing and everyone starts clapping. Leo and I both start clapping with them. I look at him and he looks a little dazed, apparently he blanked too. They kiss for an uncomfortably long time before they pull apart.


After the ceremony we all head to the reception. Everything is huge and extravagant. The cake is taller than me. "Can I have some?" Leo whispers to me.

"No, you have to wait for the bride and groom to cut the cake," I tell him. He pouts and gives me a disappointed face. I give him a kiss on the cheek to make him happy. We get Nyssa and Jake and head over to Bella and Edward right after Seth and Billy leave. "Hey, guys. Thanks for inviting us, the ceremony was beautiful," I tell them even though I don't remember half of it.

"Yeah, and it's so nice to finally meet my niece," Jake winks, making the three of us laugh.

"Right, I forgot that my dad has a lot of siblings," Bella nods.

"Well, we won't keep you too long, have a great rest of your day, and remember the dove is a good sign," Nyssa winks and we head off towards Charlie and Seth.

"Hey, do you people want some sparkling fire water?" Billy asks.

"Oh, hell yeah we do!" Leo cheers, grabbing two glasses and handing one to me, as Jake does to Nyssa.

"Wait, aren't you under 21?" Sue asks.

"Shhh," all four of us say.

"Nobody has to know. It's a special occasion," I reason. Seth and I look over sensing someone looking at us. I see a blonde girl with yellow eyes. I'm pretty sure she's one of Edward's cousins. She glares at us and we glare back. Leo wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer, also looking at the vampire.

It's time for the toasts so everyone goes and sits down at their assigned tables. Luckily, Alice put all four next to each other. "Excuse me, is this thing on?" Emmett asks. "Umm, I'd like to propose a toast. To my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years. Because you won't be getting any more for a while," he laughs and so do a couple other people. There is a joke in there that has a double meaning and I've chosen to ignore both of them.

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