"Oh no, I'll probably be in the woods, looking at the battle sight," I tell them. "Probably getting McDonalds."

Alice looks back to Bella "You're welcome."

We both head inside and I go up to my room while Bella stays down stairs with Charlie. I packed my stuff in a bag and set it on my bed. I got my phone out and texted Leah, asking if I could come to Emily's for dinner tomorrow night. She said that it was okay and I put my phone back in my pocket. I walk back down stairs and while I'm on the stairs I hear Bella tell him she's a virgin.

"Ah, okay. Good! Glad we covered that!" Bella runs up stairs passing me yelling me too.

"Do I have to worry about that with you and my brother?" He asked me.

"Oh hell no, I don't want to do that, nor do I want kids so even if I was, that baby would go bye-bye," I tell him. He nods, looking very flustered from both conversations.


Bella left for Edward's house the day before the fight. I'm not even going to ask what they're doing there because honestly, I don't want to know. I make sure Charlie leaves for his fishing trip and doesn't try to stay and help. When it gets dark I make sure I have everything in my small bag and lock the house, heading to Emily's. I don't want any fresh scent in the house so that just in case some vampires try to come here.

I walk into Emily's house and the whole pack is there, getting ready for the fight. Seth is the first to notice me. "Hey, Emily says dinner is almost ready." I nod to him and set my bag down behind the couch out of the way of anyone else.

"DINNER!" She calls from the kitchen. We all head to the dinner room and sit down. This time I actually grabbed some food and put it on my plate. I grab the lighter out of my pocket before standing up.

"Hey, I'm going to go outside for a minute," I tell them. They look at me curiously, but I ignore it and continue outside. I gather some sticks on the ground and dig a little hole. I put the sticks in the hole and start a fire.

"Πατέρα, μην πεθάνει κανείς αύριο. Αφήστε τη μάχη να κερδηθεί από τη σωστή πλευρά. Σ'αγαπώ," I say into the fire before putting a piece of steak into the fire. I cut another piece and take some vegetables and say another prayer. "Αθηνά, δώσε μας δύναμη και σοφία να νικήσουμε αύριο. Αφροδίτη, σταμάτα να ασχολείσαι με την ερωτική μου ζωή."

(Father, let no one die tomorrow. Let the battle be won by the right side. I love you. Athena, give us the strength and wisdom to win, tomorrow. Aphordite, Please stop messing with my love life.)

I gather my food and put the fire out before heading back inside. I sit down next to Leah and start to eat. "What did you go out there to do?" Jacob asks.

Do I want to acknowledge his existence? No, but I can see Seth waiting for an answer so I'll give him one. "I was saying a prayer to the gods."

"I thought you didn't like them?" Paul asks.

"It's complicated. I don't like them, some of them I hate with a burning passion, but some are nice and helpful," I explain to them. "Hermes, Apollo, and Mr. D while annoying are useful and good parents when they want to be."

Everyone continues eating, there is some talk about tomorrow and getting to kill some vampires, but not much. "So where are you staying tonight?" Emily asks me. "I heard Charlie is going fishing so he won't be home and I saw you bring a bag."

"Oh I don't actually know. I wasn't really planning on sleeping anywhere, more preparing for the fight," I tell her.

"You could come stay with us for tonight!" Seth says excitedly. "Mom loves having you over."

"Oh, no I couldn't. Plus, I probably won't be in until late tonight and I don't want to bother anyone."

Leah rolls her eyes. "You're coming over. Once you're done with whatever you're doing you come over and sleep in my room. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am," I mutter sarcastically, making a couple of the guys laugh. Throughout dinner I catch Jacob staring at me a couple times, but I ignore him. I'm not going to let my hatred towards him cloud my judgement.


We finished dinner and I shadow traveled to the field where we were fighting. It's pretty surrounded by woods so no matter what time of day we fight I can use the woods to shadow travel. It's not too far from where Bella and Edward will be camping so if anything happens I can easily shadow travel there.

I finish looking around and Shadow travels to the Clearwaters' house. I climb up the side of the house and enter through Leah's window. She has a place set up for me to sleep so I set my bag down in the corner and actually sleep. I want to be able to have enough energy for tomorrow.


I woke up around 7 am. I actually got a decent amount of sleep. I get up and put on my flexible armor underneath my clothes. It's not as protective as the armor we usually use for battle, but there's nothing wrong with it. I put on my sword holster and my jewelry. I shake Leah awake and head to Seth's room to do the same. He may not be fighting, but he still needs to be ready in case anything happens.

They also had a couple new wolves shift in the past couple days named Colin and Brady so he's going to stay with them. Once I make sure both of them are up I go down stairs where I see Sue making breakfast.

"Good morning, Natalia," She greets with a smile, putting a plate of Bacon and Pancakes on the table. "Eat, you guys have a big day today."

"Thank you, Sue. You're amazing," I complement, digging into the food she made. Sue is an amazing cook, no one can say otherwise. I text Leo and Nico while I'm eating. I tell them I love them and that I'll be home soon. I smile, genuinely, I'm finally going to be going home this week.


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