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{WARNING - This chapter contains sexual scenes}

Everything felt whole, everything felt right. He was next to me, he was warm, he was holding me close, never wanting to let go. I wanted to forget everything that happened the night before, I wanted to live in the moment, cuddled up to the man I loved, the blonde boy who changed because of me. 

The door creaked open slowly, though I didn't look up. Nothing could ruin the perfect peace Draco and I were submerged in. That was, until a certain ginger jumped on top of the two of us.

"What the fuck Weasley?" I groaned as George hugged me closely.

"Shut up Pierce, you two need to get up. Draco, we need your help to put up the tent. Fawn, Fleur wants you for something." He gave us both a light slap on the back before picking himself up and slamming the door shut behind him.

I groaned as I buried my head into Draco's chest, "Morning." I spoke quietly.

"Morning Deer." He hugged me tighter.

His raspy voice brought me multiple different types of comfort, it was low, it made me forget everything I didn't want to remember.

"I said get up." George burst through the door again before slamming it shut behind him.

"Come on then." Draco sighed, picking me up with him as he took us both from the bed. 

I yawned as I stretched my limbs, feeling undeniably tired, not at all ready for a full day of wedding preparations. I pulled on one of Draco's button ups and a pair of spandex shorts before I made my way to the door. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Draco asked, pulling my wrist lightly and bringing me back to him.

I smiled while he wrapped his arms around my frame, trapping me so I couldn't move, "Fleur wanted me, remember?" I laughed as he placed small pecks on my bare neck, "Draco, I have to go." I finally was able to pull out of his grasp.

"I love you." He said in just above a whisper as I opened the door.

A warm smile spread across my face, "I love you too, asshole." 

As soon as I stepped out of the room, I was bombarded with Fleur rushing around the burrow, trying to find things that she had misplaced. I could tell she was a little anxious, she dragged me around the burrow, looking for her shoes. It only took me five minutes to pick the box up from where it sat on the couch.

"Fleur, you need to relax. Everything will be alright, come on." I laughed slightly as I lead her up to the room she was getting ready in. 

Draco and I had slept in, slept through all the weeding hassles that were going on around us. The wedding was set to start at 5pm, Fleur was almost certain that four hours was not enough time to get ready. Though as soon as I handed her a flute of champaign, she was finally able to calm down slightly. Soon enough, her brides maids showed up and helped her to get ready, while Onyx, Hermione, Ginny and I all began our pre-wedding drinks in Ginny's room.

"So... Onny..." I started with a smirk as we all sat on Ginny's bed, "You and George...?" I cocked a suggestive brow.

"What about me and George?" She narrowed her hazel eyes.

"Oh stop it, just tell us you're together and we'll drop the subject." Ginny rolled her eyes, having had enough of the banter between the two of us.

Onyx rolled her eyes, "Yeah, okay. We're together."

I smiled at the thought of the two, I smiled knowing that they were together, that they were there for each other. My smile faded as I thought back to the events of the previous night, I had to leave, I had to leave Draco, leave everyone. All to go hunting for a group of objects that I was appart of, that Harry was appart of. How was he going to find out? 

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