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"Come on Fawn, lets get ready!" Hermione said as she tried dragging me upstairs to our dorm.

"We literally have three hours, why do we have to start now?" I questioned.

"You really need to lighten up Bambi." She said with a sigh.

Just then, I got an amazing idea, some would stay it was a stupid idea, but if I was going to lighten up the only way that was going to happen was with the help of some alcohol. 

I quickly snuck into Fred and Georges dorm while they were still in the common room. I went to Fred's trunk and pulled out a bottle of fire whiskey from where he showed me he kept it. I left a little note with one galleon, knowing it would be enough for him to get two bottles.


Go get yourself another bottle.

Much love,

Fawn x

I snuck out of their dorm and ran away into mine and Hermione's. I shut the door behind me and locked it as quickly as I could, taking the bottle cap off, I downed as much as I could before Hermione could take it out of my grasp.

"I'm not having you completely drunk. Save that for the after party." She said with a smile.

I sighed and helped her get ready. She asked for me to do her make up because she didn't usually wear any, to be honest, neither did I, but I had more experience than she did. We spent almost and hour and a half getting her ready and when she looked at the time she looked shocked. 

"Fawn! You haven't even started getting ready!" She sounded panicked.

"Don't worry Mione, I'll start now." I laughed.

We were both ready and after putting my dress on, I stared at the mirror once more. Noticing everything, the scars I tried so hard to hide, to my hair that was in a half up half down with little braids here and there. I looked at my eyes, taking deep breaths, the green and blue were popping out against the colour of my hair and makeup. I wasn't even the slightest bit tipsy which was ever so slightly disappointing.

"Ready to go? The boys are meeting us there." Hermione asked, pulling me away from my gaze.

"Mhm." I nodded, anxiety riddled throughout my body.

We were one stair case away from entering the ball atmosphere. I could hear everyone talking to one another, and two laughs in particular caught my attention. I was beginning to get too anxious to move and I turned to Hermione with a panicked look.

"I forgot the platers for our feet." I said, completely making that up "I'll be right back, you go ahead." I finished, turning around.

"Are you sure?!" Hermione asked.

"Of course, don't wait up, and say hi to Viktor for me!" I said while slowly but steadily making my way back up the stairs we had just come down.

I sat on the steps alone, thinking about weather I should go down or not. 

Song - Je te laisserai des mots. LISTEN TO IT!!

"Hey" A happy voice said behind me.

I turned around to see Cedric standing there, looking amazing in his dress robes, his hair sitting just right, appart from one hair which fell over his forehead.

"You coming?" he asked, knowing I was having the hard debate in my head.

My breathing got staggered and I looked to my feet, desperate to not have a panic attack.

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