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Fawn's pov -

The first day of training was intense, I had absolutely no idea that he would try to slash my fucking skin open. Weeks had past after our first session, and things really didn't get any easier. I was able to walk away with minimal scarring, but my body ached. We trained at least four to five days a week, the weekends mostly being rest days. Not only was training hard, but I was still conflicted with how I felt about him.

My feeling almost always tried to override the system, I wanted to tell him how I felt, I wanted to completely spill everything to him. I wanted to tell him that I wanted to trust him. I wanted to tell him that he was probably the best things that had happened to me since Fred. I wanted him to know, to understand the effect he had on me.

He continuously told me he wasn't going to leave, but my heart and mind still wouldn't allow me to accept it. Yeah, we fucked, but I knew he wanted more, he asked for more, something inside me was stopping me from allowing him in. What hurt was the fact that I knew I wanted more too, but I couldn't bring myself to allow him in. I couldn't allow myself to open up completely, he knew more than anyone else, maybe not as much as Cedric, but he was the only live person who knew everything. I hardly had any secrets from him, there was something inside me that stopped me from lying to him, as if I was constantly consumed by veritaserum.

There was something about him now, something that not only changed him, but it changed me too. I was different around him, maybe it was the fact that I knew I was Voldemort's niece, or maybe there was something about Draco fucking Malfoy that had changed me.

"Whatcha making?" He asked from behind me as I continued to stir the potion I was making.

"I'm trying to replicate the contraception potion." I sighed.

"Has your dad not taught you how to make it?" He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"No, he deliberately didn't tell me. Purely so he could be in charge of it." I laughed at my fathers ways of thinking.

He always thought that if he didn't make me the potion, I wouldn't have sex, that I wouldn't go and buy another potion. Granted, I wouldn't by any of those manky potions that almost always fail, but I wasn't going to stop.

"Can't you just ask him to make you some more?"

"One- I'm not allowed to see him. Two- I'm sure he wouldn't aprove of the two of us... you know..."

"Can't hurt to ask him though right?" He smirked as he played with an empty jar.

"I mean, if you want to have that conversation, be my guest." I smirked, knowing a conversation like that wouldn't go down well with either of them, but it would be fun to watch.

"Yeah, okay, maybe not." He placed the jar back down.

"Whats the time?" I wondered out loud, looking for a clock or anything.

"4:50pm" He shrugged as he looked around my table of bottles and jars.

"Fuck, why am I always late for work?" I groaned, trying to get up quickly and run to get changed.

"Don't go." He rushed after me.

I huffed as I began to put my work clothes on, my white button up and dress pants, "Draco, you aren't exactly earning any muggle money are you? Besides, the pub is probably the second safest place for me, none of the guys would ever let anyone lay a finger on me, and you know that."

"I'm coming with you." He said so quickly I hardly understood him.

"Are you serious? You don't trust me?" I laughed as I changed my hair.

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