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"Fawn? Fawn, wake up." His soft whisper leaked through my head.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Now, is that any way to speak to the guy who just made you breakfast in bed?" He chuckled.

My brows furrowed as I opened one eye to see him holding a tray of food next to the bed. I couldn't help the small smile that spread across my lips as I slowly sat up. He held a wide smile, it wasn't his signature smirk, it was warm, why was it so warm? I kept my eyes on him as he sat down across from me and placed the tray of food in front of me. 

French toast with syrup and berries. 

"You didn't have to." I said weakly.

"Shut up and eat will you?" He laughed, the smile never leaving his lips.

One bite and I already knew this was the best breakfast I had ever had, nothing could compare. 

Sorry Molly.

"Can I look through your journal?" He hesitated to ask.

"Why?" I laughed.

Most of what I wrote was in French, there would be no point. Drawings were sporadically placed throughout the pages, with notes and scribbles of French words that decorated the white. I had kept my journal ever since the play ground, it was my escape, it was a way to remember when the pills clouded my memory. 

"Cause you're a good drawer." He smiled weakly.

I gave in, why did I give in? I reached over to the draw of my bedside table and grabbed the green leather journal then slowly handed it to him. I watched as he took it with a smile, I could see in his eyes he was saying 'thank you'. I turned my attention to close the draw, though a shiny piece of silver caught my eye.

Fred's dragon ring.

I kept it in that draw for a reason, to rid my mind off the large silver. I intended to give it back to him, though I never got the chance. 

I sat there and tried to keep my mind off the fact that I had just let the boy who I'm supposed to hate read my journal. The journal I didn't let anyone but myself read. The journal that held my deepest thoughts, the thoughts that were for me only. 

"Hey, you have this tattoo." He smiled as he flipped to the page with a drawing of a thestral.

"Yeah," I laughed, "they guy who did it for me was amazed by my 'weird' creature." 

"I can imagine." He trailed his fingers over the drawing.

My eyes narrowed as I watched his expression change from happy to sad within a matter of seconds.

"Y- you tried to kil-"

"You can read French? What the fuck Draco?" I yelled as I tried to grab the book from his hands.

"Fawn? Does your father know?" He stood from the bed, eyes darting all over the room.

"No. And I'd like it to stay that way." I replied through gritted teeth.

He just read about my attempt. My failed attempt.

His chest rose and fell quickly, as he opened his mouth to speak once again he shut it quickly at the sound of the manor front doors slamming shut. My head snapped instantly to the door of my bedroom.

"Stay here." He said quickly as he handed my book back and hurried out the door.

My mind raced as I stayed where I was, legs crossed, blanket pulled up to cover my sports bra. It had barely been two minutes when a sudden bang made my jump and two figures burst through my bedroom door.

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