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'Avada Kedavera's a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it - you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I'd get so much as a nose-bleed.'

- Alaster Moody//Barty Crouch Jr.

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{WARNING - This chapter contains sexual scenes}


"Merlin, that hurt." He grunted, picking himself off me while rubbing the back of his head. 

I let out a shaky breath before sitting up and holding him tight in my arms. I shed more and more tears, realising that it was over, he was dead, gone, and I could finally live my life. He squeezed me tighter, never wanting to let go, we both sat there, silently crying onto one another shoulders. 

"Miss Parkinson!" Mcgonagall shouted, waltzing over to her before dragging the pug somewhere.

I let out a short laugh, "Can you believe we almost pulled a Romeo and Juliet?" 

He laughed slightly, "He was right," He pulled away, cupping my cheek in his hand, "Our love may seem tragic, but it's definitely a romance." 

"That was undeniably cheesy," I laughed, leaning into his hand, "Let's make it a romance," I whispered before letting more tears fall.

"For him." He whispered.

I nodded, "For him."

He didn't waste another second before pulling my lips to his, crashing together after months of separation. It was without a doubt the most passionate and loving kiss we had ever shared. After thinking that we had both died, nothing was more beautiful than feeling alive. 

He made me feel alive. 

He was the glue.

And with all the pieces brought back.

He stuck them together.

He smiled, looking towards our friends, hugging and holding onto one another, "Let's go home." 

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May 9th, 1998 - 

I slept during the week after the war. I sept and Draco slept by my side, never wanting to leave me again. Molly allowed us to stay at the burrow until everything was sorted out. And by everything, I mean the funerals and court cases. The war was messy, and my situation with everything was complicated. I was more than thankful that Minister Shacklebolt allowed us to have the funerals before going to court. My mind was all over the place when I was awake, I needed to think about the funerals, court, dads house, his belongings, there was too much that I needed to do.

I was so grateful that everyone was there to help me through it all.

The first day that I properly got out of bed was the day of my fathers funeral, I hadn't spoken to anyone in the burrow, I had barely spoken to Draco. I only slept. After four months under someone else's control, fighting a battle I didn't want to be a part of, losing two important people, and dying on top of that, I was absolutely shattered and deserved a week's rest. 

As I sat up from the bed, resting my legs over the side, Draco placed a warm and loving kiss on my bare shoulder. The days were getting warmer, but my dreams were only filled with death. 

He let out a warm breath onto my bare skin, "Fawn?" His voice was light and weary.

"Yeah?" I questioned through a whisper, looking towards the floor in front of me.

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