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Chapter LXV


Dazai walked inside a white room in silence only to see you standing in the middle of the room with emotionless eyes and blood dripping on your fists. Your eyes are empty like a doll and you are staring blankly at the beaten people lying unconscious on your feet.

He remained silent while looking at you.

"Will you kill me, too, Dazai?" You whispered in a cold manner as you gave him a short glance, "It's getting harder to control myself. I'm losing it every time."

"What happened?" Dazai asked calmly.

You smiled gently but hints of miseries started to plastered in your eyes. You look at the bodies on the floor and shrugged a little, "They killed the child I helped earlier--- only because they want to make me suffer."

Dazai's eyes turned dark, "It happened again?"

You took a step closer to the door and gave Dazai a calm look. Your face is calm but your eyes say otherwise. It is filled with invisible pain that you've been keeping inside your heart.

"Since the beginning, people around me have been dying. It's been my fault." You sigh in exhaustion, "They're beat up but they're still alive. I need to calm myself before someone dies because of me again."

With those words, you walked outside the room, leaving Dazai in silent. He remained calm while looking at the bodies on the floor. He wants to comfort you but it won't work at all. The organization is just as it is. It has no room for sympathy or mercy.

Dazai remembered your innocent and kind genuine smile when he first met you. It is filled with kindness. Now, that innocence disappears and has been tampered by cruelty and miseries. He feels bad for what happened to you but he can't do anything.

Dazai went outside and went towards a certain secluded park. It is silent and there are less people coming to the place. He sat on a bench and watched some leaves fall from the tree a few meters in front of him.

At the side, he sees another bench with a man sitting silently on it while staring blankly at the cloud.

The man looks calm and serious but upon seeing the seriousness in the man's eyes, Dazai can point out that the man is also silently suffering.

The look of misery and suffering in those eyes are familiar.

That person is wearing a suit like some rich man, and he seems like his age. He looks really elegant but he's in pain. The man seems to notice Dazai's gaze as he looks in Dazai's direction.

Dazai just waved his hand as the man remained impassive.

"Mr. Kambe Daisuke." A man that looks like a butler went towards the man and called those names as the man stood up and started walking away.

TIED: Kambe Daisuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now