Part 59: Will they find her?

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Ranbir snatched Rhea's phone and cut the call.
Rhea, worriedly:"Ran...Ranbir, what are you doing here?"
Ranbir:"why do you have Prachi's phone?"
Rhea:"what are you talking about? This is my phone."
Ranbir went for her bag and removed the phone from it.
Ranbir:"what is Prachi's phone doing with you?"
He stressed on each word to show her how serious he was.
Rhea, playing dumb:"ohh, so this is Prachi's phone? I didn't know, i just found it..."
Ranbir:"where? Where did you find this?"
Rhea, approached him:"what will i get in exchange?"
She caressed his cheek but he jerked it.

Rhea:"not the right time to show attitude. Let me show you what i want."
She once again approached him and leaned in. She kissed him on the cheek, Ranbir moved back once she touched him.
He slapped her for her behaviour. Aryan who was the door also was shocked.
Rhea, holding his cheek:"how dare you fucking slap me?"

Ranbir, angrily:"and how dare you fucking kiss me when you know that i have a girlfriend and that i love her."
Rhea, with same anger:"you don't love her."
Ranbir, still angry:"i do. I d love her and more than anything. Now fucking answer me where did you get this?"

Rhea:"not until you kiss me."
Ranbir grabbed her bu the arms and hurting her:"answer the fucking questions."

Aryan held his head at the situation as Abhigya came in.
Pragya:"leave her, Ranbir."
Rhea pretended to cry.
Rhea:"Dad, it's hurting. He has gone mad."
Ranbir applied more pressure on her hands. Aryan also tried to convince him.
Abhi pulled Ranbir back and slapped him.
Abhi:"what the hell is wrong with you? You are hurting my daughter for no reason."

Ranbir:"no reason? Ask your daughter why does she have my missing girlfriend's phone?"
He showed them the phone.
Abhigya looked atRhea waiting for an answer.

Rhea:"i just told you, Ranbir. I told you that i found it in the lawn."
Rhea:"what do you mean when?"
Ranbir, shouted angrily:"when?"
Rhea pretended to be startled by his tone of voice. Pragya went to her.
Pragya:"Rhea, when? We can find Prachi, please tell us."
Ranbir approached her dangerously but Abhi pushed him away. Aryan also controlled him.
Rhea, scared:'I don't remember.'
Ranbir:'how can't you remember? When did you find this? Just freaking answer.'
Pragya:'I know you are hurting but you are scaring her.'

Abhi:'That's it, enought now, Ranbir. You can't come here and threaten my daughter like this.'
Ranbir:'You are not seeing anything except the fact that she is your daughter. Why didn't she say something before?'
Rhea:'because i was scared of this reaction of yours.And Prachi has not been kidnapped, she left on her own will. She didn't want you anymore, Ranbir. She was suffocating, that's why she left.'
Ranbir punched her mirror in anger. Ranbir:'Shut up.'
Aryan:'Stop it, Rhea. Why are you so sure that Prachi left on her own will? Did she tell you? Say.'

Rhea grew tensed:'It was obvious, she never said that she loves him, escaping him at every reason. Right, Ranbir?'
Ranbir threw all her things on the dresser:'Just shut up.'
Aryan:'You live in your own world, build your own version. You don't know anything about their relationship. If there is something that you know then just say it.'

Rhea:'I already told you what I wanted.' She smirked at Arbir mentioning the exchange of earlier. This went unnoticed by Abhigya.
Aryan:'Let's go, buddy.'
The boys left.

Pragya:'Rhea, are you sure you don't know anything?'
Abhi:'Pragya, she already said it. Ranbir is not thinking straight right now.'
They both left.
Rhea, to herself:'Yaar, Pallabi aunty said to switch off the phone, how can I forget? No, no, she shouldn't know about this. My phone?'
She searched her phone and saw the video of when they cut Prachi's hand.
Rhea:'I guessed i have to take things in my hands now.'

Next morning:
Prachi woke up still tied to the chair. She noticed the men sleeping on the couch and the several bottles there.. She tried to untie herself but couldn't.
She sighed and noticed the piece of glass that Pallavi used to cut her hand on the floor. She tried to reach by her foot. She removed her shoes to get it and finally got it. She started to cut the ropes, but as her hands were hurt, it was taking more time than it should.

Kohli's mansion:
Ranbir was heading out along with Aryan when they noticed an envelop on the ground.
Aryan took it and opened it. He found a pendrive inside. The boys were confused.
Aryan:'let's see it in your room.;
Rhea and Abhigya came there along with Kohli family.
Dida:'What is it?'
Ranbir didn't want to show anyone but since Dida asked he had no option. Aryan connected it to the TV.
It was the video where they were hurting Prachi, without showing any faces except Prachi's. Everyone was shocked seeing this including Pallavi. She looked at Rhea who was smirking.

Ranbir clenched his fists watching it, they were hurting. He looked away not wanting to see her in pain.
Abhi:'There is only a pendrive? no note, anything about what they want.'
Aryan checked again but there was nothing. However, at the end of the video, there was a message on the screen,
Aryan told Ranbir to see.

He read the message.
'i hate you with this girl. I cannot bear you with her. If you want her to be safe and released then just get married to someone else. And that too tonight.'
And then the screen went black.

Dida:'What does all of this mean?'
Ranbir left from there and went to the garden, he wasn't bothered about the message but rather them hurting her.
He leaned onto the bench and closed his eyes praying to keep her safe.
Aryan came to him and touched his shoulder. When Ranbir looked at him, he noticed his teary eyes.
Aryan:'We will find her, Ranbir. But what about the message?'
Ranbir:'Rhea and Mrs. Pallavi are both on it. But this only Rhea can do that. Mrs. Pallavi won't kidnap her for something as simple as that.'

Ranbir realised something.
Ranbir:'I need to see the video again, let's go.'
Aryan:'But why?@'
Ranbir:'i will explain you, come.'

On the other side, Pallavi dragged Rhea to her room.
Pallavi, angrily:'what the hell did you?'
Rhea:'What i had to do to get Ranbir.'
Pallavi:'I told you to be patient. You ruined everything, stupid girl.'
Rhea:'Don't call me stupid, iam tired of your games. I want to marry Ranbir that too tonight.'
Pallavi, held her head;'this dumb girl ruined everything, now the police will be sure that she has been kidnapped. My mistake to include her in this plan.'

Pallavi, realising something:'Show me the video.'
Pallavi:'Just show it to me.'  She snatched Rhea's phone from her hand and watched it.

Prachi finally cut her ropes and released herself. She tiptoed to the door and tried to open it but it was closed.
She came back to the men and try to see if there is a key or a phone. At least she could call Ranbir and inform him her location.
She tried her luck and searched the keys or phone. She checked their pockets.

Ranbir's room:
Arhana and Ranbir were watching the video again. Arhana didn't understand why he wanted to see it again and were confused. But Ranbir was observing it carefully.
Aryan:'What are you looking at?'
Ranbir straigtened himself:'She is in the apartment.'
Ranbir:'See the carpet, it's there. And i didn't go there once since she disappeared'
Arbir rushed out of the room telling Shahana to keep an eye on Rhea and Pallavi.

On the other hand:
Pallavi:'Please tell me you blurrred the video?'
Rhea:'why would i waste my time on this?'
Pallavi, frustratedly:'because you can clearly see the apartment. Damn you Rhea.'
Rhea, tensed:'now they will find her.'
Pallavi looked at her tensed.

Prachi finally got a phone and rushed in her room, she dialled Ranbir's number.
Prachi, to no-one in particular:'Please, please pick up.'

Arbir were in the call when Ranbir's phone rang. Aryan noticed the unknown number and picked up.
Ranbir stopped the car and took the phone.

Ranbir:'Prachi, are you ok?'
Prachi:'yes, the apartment Ranbir. '
Ranbir:'we are coming, ok, i will be there soon.'

He started the car again and asked her to stay on the phone. However, he heard her screaming on the phone.
And the line went dead afterwards.
He accelerated there.

——— hope you guys liked it.
And thank you for all the love.
It reached 40K read 😍😍😍
And the previous one 80k
Thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️

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