Part 57: Where is Prachi?

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During the night:
They put gaslights around the area since Prachi was scared of fire. They were just talking.
Aryan:"Ranbir, what are planning to do in London?"
Ranbir:"The usual."
Aryan:"no extra thing? Special?"
Ranbir glared at him while Aryan chuckled.

Prachi:"what special thing?"
Ranbir spit out water that he was just drinking.

Aryan laughed while the girls were confused.
Prachi handed him a tissue paper.
Aryan:"didn't you get a proposal from an international company?"
Prachi:"yeah he did."

Ranbir was glaring at Aryan all the time so Aryan stayed quiet after that.
Shahana:"how are we going to make food?"
Aryan:"we will have to lit up a fire."
They looked at Prachi.
Prachi:"you guys make it, i will change in the meantime. Call me when you are guys are done."
Their tent was on the other side of the lake. She had to walk all the way around the lake.

Ranbir:"i will come with you."
Prachi:"you help with the fire here. You loved doing this part. Just call me when you turn it off."

She started to walk. And the other 3 got busy with the fire.
However, Ranbir's eyes stayed glued on her until she got to the tent.

Prachi changed and checked her phone. Her parents called her so she called them back.
Mr. O:"how is my Princess?"
Prachi:"great. We came camping today."
Mrs. O:"be careful. And take care of each other."
Prachi:"yes Mama."

They talked about some random things.
Prachi:"we are coming back from tomorrow's flight."
Mr. O:"yeah, Ranbir told me. Prachi, he needs to get them punished."
Mrs.  O:"yes, he cannot let them like this."
Prachi:"i know and understand it, mamma. But i can't force him. It's his choice after all."
Mr. O:"you are right."
Mrs. O:"ok end of this topic. Where is Ranbir?"
Prachi:"outside, lighting up fire to prepare food. I came inside the tent."
Mr. O:"ok, go enjoy now. We will see you in London."
Prachi:ok, love you guys."
They hung up after replying her.

Prachi, to herself:"i should send them pictures."
She went outside and saw the fire and the three around it.
She took a picture zooming in.

Prachi, looking at the picture:"at least i cam see fire in pictures."
She heard a sound behind her and turned. But as it was dark, she didn't see anything.
She used her phone torch but didn't see anything.

She went back to the tent and closed it just in case.
She noticed that Ranbir sent her a message stating that the food was almost ready.
Prachi, replied him:'Then, you need to come and get me.'
Ranbir: 'At your service ma'am.'
Prachi chuckled at the message.
She once again heard a sound from outside, she sat up straight and was tensed. This time, she saw a shadow as well.
Prachi, to herself:'You are just being paranoid. There is only us here.'

She messaged Ranbir to come get her becaause she didn't want to out by herself.
She waited for several minutes but there was no reply. She checked her phone and the message wasn't going.
Prachi, to herself:'Signal had to now itself. What should I do?'
She contemplated her choices and finally decided to go to the trio. She opened the tent as quiet as she could and peeped outside.

There was nothing, she sighed in relief and came out. She closed the tent.

On the other hand: Ranbir was sending her the message that he was coming to get her but the message wasn't going as well.
Aryan:'We never had signal problem before.'
Ranbir:'Strange. I will go get Prachi, you guys turn the fire off.'
They both nodded.
He picked up his jacket when they heard Prachi screaming. They looked on tensed and Ranbir rushed towards the tent followed by Arhana.

They reached the tent but found no-one there. Shahana checked inside while the boys searched around.
Arhana nooded no to Ranbir.
Ranbir, shouted:'Prachi....'
Shahana and Aryan also called for her but they got no answer.
Aryan:'We need to find her.'
They separated to search her. Arhana went to one side while Ranbir the ther side. They were using their phone torch to find her.
Ranbir went out shouting her name:'Prachi..... Prachi.' But got no response.
Even Arhana were trying but they didn't find her.

Ranbir was panicking. At a certain point, Arhana met Ranbir.
Aryan:'We didn't see her.'
Shahana:'Where can she vanish like this?'
Ranbir, panicking:'Shahana, it's a prank, right?'
Arhana looked on. Aryan also looked at Shahana.
Ranbir:'Just like we pulled on you guys. Please tell me where is she.'

Shahana:'Ranbir, I don't know. We didn't plan any prank.'
Ranbir punched the tree next to them.
Aryan held his arms:'We are going to find her.'

Ranbir:'Yes, we have to.'
He went back to his search, Arhana also joined him.

They searched for her all night but got traces. The sun was raising but Ranbir refused to stop.
Aryan has been checking his phone continously to see if he could get the signal to call for help.
But it was in vain.

They returned to the tent and Ranbir sat down not knowing what to do.
He hugged his knees and tried hard to control his fears.
Aryan checked his phone and finally got the signal, he called the police.

He gave them their location and cut it.
Aryan:'They are coming.'
Ranbir wiped his eyes and got up. He was leaving again.

Aryan stopped him and asked him where he was going.
Ranbir:'I am going to search for her.'

Aryan:'We already did it, Ranbir.'
Ranbir:'I will do it again if necessary. I need to find her, make sure she is fine.'
Aryan:'We searched every corner of this wood, twice, Ranbir.'
Ranbir:'I don't care. I will do it a hundred time if it means i find her.'
Shahana:'She is not here, Ranbir.'

He looked at them. He knew it too, she wasn't here, but he couldn't abondon her like that.
Aryan:'We will leave once the police is here.'
Ranbir:'I will search fr one last time, we might get a clue.'
Arhana agreed knowing that they couldn't change his decision about this.
It was about Prachi, she was hhis everything.

They went again, searching the entire wood once again but still nothing. They even reach the main road.
Ranbir kneed down on the ground and held his head. Aryan came to him
He hugged him.
Aryan:'We will find her, Ranbir.'
Ranbir, slightly crying:'How? How, Aryan?'
Shahana also came to them:'We will find a way.'

They both hugged him to console him but right now nothing was comforting him. He just needed Prachi.
Arhana made him return to the camp site. They were waiting for the police to arrive. Shahana went inside to find bottle of water for all of them when she noticed a note and a ring  there.

She picked them up and realised that it was the ring that Ranbir gave Prachi. She rushed to the boys. and showed it to them.

Ranbir opened the note and read it.

Hope you guys like it.

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