Part 2: Kohli Family Reunion

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Ranbir changed and came out. He checked his phone and smiled as he read a message.
He lay down on the bed and replied.
He kept exchanging messages and all this while, he had a big smile on his face.

Aryan came back home.
They questioned him about his whereabouts but he made an excuse.
Shahana looked at him questioningly. As they were busy with the family members, Aryan texted her that he will explain her soon.

Ranbir was trying to get some sleep but couldn't. He was uncomfortable here. For the past years he has been in London, and now, here was unfamiliar.
He kept turning and tossing and finally decided to get up.

He took his laptop and checked some mails. His phone rung and he picked it up without looking at the ID.
It was the finance department of his branch.
Ranbir, sternly and angrily:"how can you make this mistake? It's just a simple thing and you couldn't do that. That information was confidential, how come it was leaked?"
Man:"sir.... I am really sorry..."
Ranbir:"to hell with your sorry.... I lost millions because of you. Do you think i am a fool? You sold that information...."
Man:"no sir.... That's not true."
Ranbir:"one thing i can't tolerate is cheaters and liars. So don't you dare lie to me. You are fired and i am going to drag you to court for this."
He angrily cut the call.

Ranbir was very particular about his work. He wouldn't bear someone messing with it.

At night:
Arhana reached the restaurant while Ranbir was already there.
The trio spent some time together. Ranbir was actually enjoying their company. In India, there was only Aryan with whom he could freely talk now he has Shahana as well.

Aryan:"bro, i heard that you are searching an assistant in London."
Ranbir stopped eating and looked at him.

Ranbir:"and how do you know that?"
Aryan:"i have my spies there." He said naughtily.
Ranbir looked on confused.

Aryan:"think think. Who is that person who gives me information?"
Shahana:"come on, Aryan. Now Ranbir will be suspicious about his employees."
Ranbir:"obviously. And that too because of you."
The trio shared a laugh.
Ranbir:"why were you asking?"
Aryan:"no, i was thinking i should do it. No one understands you like i do."
Ranbir:"right and i have complete trust on you. Makes it easier for me. But you hate everything about business."
Aryan:"yeah, that's why i was thinking who will be able to work under you."
They continued their dinner joking around.

Later at night:
The boys dropped Shahana first and then went to the farmhouse. Aryan knew that tomorrow was going to be a big day, not only for him but also for his brother.
He had to be there for him. He decided to stay with him for tonight. He proposed video games to keep his thoughts busy.

Both boys played the whole night without blinking.
Ranbir knew he wouldn't be able to sleep and Aryan couldn't sleep due to his troubled thoughts.

Next morning:
The boys went to a café and had breakfast.
Aryan:"i thought you would know how to make your own breakfast by now."
Ranbir:"i do know, i was just too lazy to make for you today."
Aryan, pretending to be hurt:"injustice."
Ranbir chuckled at his antics.

Aryan looked at his watch and signed Ranbir. They had to go home. Ranbir knew he had no option now. He escaped it yesterday but couldn't anymore.
He nodded and they left.

Kohli Mansion:
Dida and Mehra family were there.
Dida was excitedly checking the last minutes preparation. She was the one who cooked lunch for her beloved grandson. She was impatiently waiting for him.

Abhi:"Dida, calm down. He is coming here only."
Dadi:"Abhi, her happiness knows no bound right now. She is going to see Ranbir after two years."

They heard footsteps and turned to the door but instead of the boys. It was a girl.
Rhea came to Pragya and hugged her.

Abhi:"so late?"
Pragya:"sorry Dad, but had to buy a gift for Aryan and also Ranbir."
Abhi:"and for Shahana?"
Rhea:"why gift her?"
Everyone looked at her. Shahana didn't mind her, she was used by this behavior of Rhea's.

Rhea:"i mean that, she is getting a gem in Aryan, what else would she need?"
Shahana:"one thing i agree with you. Indeed Aryan is a gem."
Pragya:"where are the boys we are talking about?"
Abhi:"forget the boys... where are the parents whose boy is coming after so long?"

Dida's expression turned sad.
Dida, fumbling:"You know about Vikram. Busy and  this time he had to take Pallavi with him."
Abhi:"their son is coming and they are missing...."
Everyone looked on, they didn't have an answer.

They continued talking and then heard the car sound.
Dida excitedly went to the door and the boys came in.
Ranbir, on seeing his grandmother:"Dida...."
He hugged her.
Dida had tears in her eyes seeing him after so long.
Ranbir met the others as well: Abhi, Pragya and Shahana lastly.
Rhea:"you were supposed to come last month for Uncle/aunty's wedding anniversary, why didn't you come?"

Ranbir:"i had an emergency."
Dida:"forget all this, now he is here."
Dida side hugged him:"you don't know how much i missed you."
Ranbir:"i did too, Dida."

Abhi:"Ranbir, now you have to stay for a while."
Ranbir nodded.

Pragya:"Dida, spend time with him, we will come back for lunch."
Dida nodded and Pragya signed Shahana and Rhea.
The Mehra's left from there.

Dida:"go and freshen up. Aryan will bring your bags."
Ranbir went to his room. He was lost in his thoughts.
She was not there.
He didn't see her yet, he should be happy but he wasn't as he wanted it to be over already.

Hope you guys like it. And thank you for all the comments.
The mystery continues 😂😂😂

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