Part 48: Oberois + Ranbir

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Ranbir came to Prachi's room.
She was trying to walk but felt dizzy due to the sedative.
Ranbir held her.
Ranbir:"what are you doing? You need to rest."
Ranbir:"then why did you stand?"
Prachi:"how would i have gone?"

Ranbir pointed to the mirror:"See."
He picked her up in bridal style and carried her to the washroom.
Prachi did her business and Ranbir brought her back to the room the same way.

He placed her in front of the mirror and kneed down. He knew her night routine.l and took her cream.
He applied it to her hands and arms. Usually Prachi would put on her neck but Ranbir couldn't risk anything.
She was looking at him lovingly.

Prachi:"I sacred you, right?"
Ranbir looked at her.

Ranbir:"i am just happy that you are safe. Nothing else matters."
He leaned in and captured her soft lips in a slow kiss. He was pouring his love and longing for her. His fear of almost Losing her.

He ended the kiss quite quickly compared to the ones they shared before. He couldn't let her get out of breath.
He noticed her frown as he ended the kiss.

Ranbir, to cheer her up:"i didn't know medicine taste this good."
She looked at him.
Ranbir:"you taste like medicine."
She lightly pushed him away but Ranbir held her close. And this time, Prachi captured his lips.
It was the first time that she was kissing him so eagerly and passionately.

They heard someone cleared their throat and separated. Ranbir stood up to face Mr and Mrs O.
Mr. O:"sorry for the inconvenience."
Both Pranbir blushed.
Mrs. O rushed and hugged Prachi followed by Mr. O.
Mrs. O:"how is my princess feeling?"
Prachi assured them that she was better.

Mr. O:"how did the fire take place?"
Ranbir looked around nervously.
Mr. O noticed him.

Mrs. O:"you boys go and talk, i will put Prachi to bed."
Mr. O and Ranbir left.

Mrs. O made Prachi lay her head on her lap and stroked her hair.
Mrs. O was talking about random things to her and Prachi was excitedly asking about her maternal place.

Mrs. O:"forget about all this now. What is going on with Ranbir?"
Prachi remembered the kiss from before and blushed. She used the blanket to hide her face.

Mrs. O:"see how you are blushing now when earlier you weren't blushing a bit while kissing him."
Mrs. O:"ok i won't tease you. Just know that i am super happy for you."
Prachi, curiously:"you won't give me the talk to not do this before wedding or that i should be careful not to get pregnant. That's what normally happens tight?"

Mamma:"i don't know. That's old school now. I am waiting impatiently for your and Ranbir's wedding and baby."
Prachi again blushed hearing her.

In the meantime:
Mr. O was in the hall with Ranbir. He noticed that Ranbir was nervous.
Mr. O:"what happened, Champ?"
Ranbir explained him everything from the fire incident to what he did to Pallavi.

Mr. O:"don't worry, Champ. She will not press any charges against you. If she does then we will handle her. But she knows that you are aware she was involved in the fire incident. She won't take the risk.
And i am with you, so no worries."
Ranbir nodded.
Ranbir:"i need the proof to contact the police. She can't get away."
Mr. O:"do you have cameras in your house?"
Ranbir:@i have no idea. I will tell Aryan to check."

Mr. O:"now cheer up. Prachi is fine and you are too. My wife will handle your girlfriend there and cheer her up. And i will cheer you. There's a match, let's watch."

Ranbir nodded:"it's been so long that we watched a match together."
Mr. O:"yes, so why miss this opportunity? Go go prepare the popcorn and snacks, i will arrange here."
Ranbir followed his instructions and brought everything for their match: popcorn, snacks, chocolate and soft drink.
They watched the match excitedly and happily.

People who didn't know them would definitely assume that they are father and son. Well they were.

Mrs. O came out after tucking Prachi in bed. She smiled seeing them. And then headed to the kitchen.
She prepared something to eat for all of them. And soon joined them on the couch.

The boys' match were over and they shifted to a movie.
Mr. O:"Ranbir, you are planning to stay here?"
Ranbir looked at him.
Mrs. O:"see Ranbir, you both are our children. If you are planning to stay, we can also shift here. We can't stay away from you and Prachi."

Ranbir looked on.
How he wish his parents were like that.
But he was happy that he got them.

Ranbir:"no aunty. You guys don't have to shift. Before this incident, i was planning to return but now this happened."
Mrs O:"this means that they did this to stop you from going?"
Ranbir looked at her thinking about what she just said.

Mr. O:"but you told me Mr. Kohli signed the papers so that you leave from here."
Ranbir:@Mr. Kohli doesn't care if i stay or not. But Mrs. Pallavi wants me here."

Mrs O signed Mr. O.
Mr.  O:Ranbir, all this time we didn't ask you why. But seeing them hurt you and Prachi again and again rose the question. Why are they hurting you so much?"

Ranbir stood up and went to the window.
Ranbir:"when i was small, i asked myself this question each and every time they hit me. I never knew why.
They would just hurt me and enjoyed it. I wished i knew why. Then maybe i would have got a closure."
Mrs O went to him:"maybe it's time for you to ask them. And know that whatever is the reason, it can't justify what they did to you. We will always be with you. Us and mostly Prachi."
Ranbir smiled at her and nodded yes.

Mr. O hugged him along with Mrs. O.
"Group hug without me, not fair."
They turned to see Prachi.

Mr. O:"come here." And the four hugged.

Prachi's room:
They were both in bed: Prachi was laying on his chest while he was playing with her hair absentmindedly.
Prachi, seeing him lost:"normally i would have fallen asleep like this but i suppose i slept too much."
This drew Ranbir's attention to her.
Prachi:"where were you lost?"
Ranbir:"all these years. I never knew why they hurt me, i just accepted it like that. I accepted that they like to hurt me. But now i want to know. I need to know the reason."

Prachi:"you won't go around the bush so are you planning to ask them?"
Ranbir:"they think that i know. And now if they come to know that all these years i wasn't aware. They will enjoy it more. And i don't want to give them that satisfaction ever."

Prachi:"then? How will know you the truth?"
He signed her that he doesn't know.
At the same time, his phone rang and he picked it up.
It was Aryan.
Aryan:"how is Prachi?"
Ranbir, looking at Prachi:"she is better."

Aryan:"Bro, Dida called you tomorrow. I tried to explain her but she said she will hear only you."
Ranbir:"i will come. Even i want some answers from Mr. and Mrs Kohli."

Aryan:"about what, Ranbir?"
Ranbir:"the reason. The reason why they hurt me so much. I need to know."
Aryan:"we all want to know and i hope we get to know tomorrow."
They hung up.
Prachi:"we are going to have a long day tomorrow. Sleep for now."
Ranbir nodded and kissed her forehead.
They slept, both knowing that tomorrow will be a hell of a day. They might know everything that his parents did or just keep turning around the issue. They both wanted to know.
Why they become such as a monster of parents?

Hope you all like it. And thank you all for the lovely comments and love

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