Part 6: He is not as bad

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Next morning:
Aryan came to Ranbir's room while he was bathing. He noticed some appartement brochures on the table. He asked Ranbir once the latter was out.

Ranbir:"i just want to buy one. One only for me."
Aryan, teasingly:"and me."
Ranbir:"obviously, you will land there also."

Aryan:"at least, let's have breakfast today. Yesterday you went like that only."
Ranbir nodded and they came down.

At the breakfast table:
The Mehras were also there. Rhea was ready to go and was eating quickly as she wanted to go with Ranbir.

Pragya:"so Dida, in two days, the wedding ceremonies will start. We are going shopping today, you could join us."
Pallavi:"we can order everything online."
Rhea:"that's what i said."
Dida:"there are certain things which can't be ordered online. We will surely go with you."

Shahana:"and Aryan is our driver today."
She smiled sweetly at Aryan while he shook his head amused by her.
Rhea's mood lit up as she would go with Ranbir alone today.

Pallavi:"Ranbir, do you need anything for the wedding? Aryan can buy it."
Ranbir didn't answer.
Vikram:"she is asking you something."
Aryan:"i will handle for Ranbir, no worries."

Ranbir's phone rang and he checked it.
"This is going to be hard one."
Ranbir smiled a bit and replied:"you will do well. I can assure you that. Rest for a bit, it's still early there."
"Yes Sir."
Ranbir's smile grew bigger for a second but he redeemed himself.

Rhea, Pallavi noticed that and were thoughtful.
Rhea to Pallavi:"Ranbir never smiled. And today, he smiled by a text."

Pallavi looked on.
Apart from these two, Aryan also noticed his smile but let it go.

Rhea:"Ranbir, let's go otherwise we will be late and you hate late comers."
Ranbir:"then you should rush."
Pragya:"she is going with you, right? That's what Rhea said."
Ranbir:"aunty, i need to go somewhere else before going to office, that's why."
Shahana, faked a cough:"bad luck."
Rhea glared at her.

Aryan:"we will drop her. You go, bro."
Ranbir nodded and left.

Rhea was in Ranbir's cabin. She was waiting for him. Her only purpose was to get close to Ranbir not to work. But he wasn't there. Rhea roamed in the office for abit.

Rhea, to herself:"for how long will you escape me, Mr Ranbir Kohli? You will be mine soon, very soon."
She was about to sit on his chair when she heard the door opening and ran back to the couch.

Ranbir entered and removed his suit jacket first. Rhea was observing him carefully.
On noticing her, Ranbir asked:"what the hell are you doing here?"

Rhea:"well, you didn't give me any work today?"
Ranbir:"where is the sales report i gave you yesterday?"
Rhea:"that, i haven't complete it. I can't understand it. Maybe you can help me, please."

Ranbir:"if i had to help every employee like that, i would have build a training centre. Get back to your work. NOW."
Rhea left fuming.

Ranbir called the heads of department with their reports.
He gave an okay for some but some were still worst.
Ranbir:"i explained every bit of it yesterday, then why is it so difficult? What is the problem? And this one, is perfect but handwritten. Why?"
No one dared to utter a word.

Ranbir:"speak up, for God's sake."
One of the head:"sir, actually the man responsible for this is an elderly citizen."
Man:"so he has difficulties with electronics and technology. That's why."

Ranbir:"if he is not computer literate, then it was your duty to inform me. Call him here."
The heads exchanged looks.
Ranbir:"NOW. And you guys go."

The elderly employee was called. He was stressed and nervous.
Ranbir was checking the man's files and works.

Ranbir:"Uncle, what you have done so far for this company is commendable. You were here from the first day, you were with... Dad. Computer literacy is just a liability for us. You are the asset that a company needs. You have the skills, intelligence and talent.
It just needs improvement. As far as the computer literacy is concerned, i will make sure that someone teaches you. . The cabin next door is empty, you will be there as from now. You will do your job as you have done all these years and you will be helped with the computer part."

The man gulped and sighed.
"Sir, i thought you would throw me out. Everyone is saying that you are beast outside."

Ranbir:"they need to see the beast, otherwise they won't work. As long as they do their jobs correctly the beast will disappear."
Man:"it's nice to have you here sir."
Ranbir smiled at him and asked the peon to show Mr. Sharma the next cabin.

When Mr. Sharma told this to his other colleagues, they didn't believe him.
How could their boss be a beast and then sweet the next moment.

Employees started to discuss it.
1:"he was telling us yesterday that it's not a training centre, then why is he doing this now?"
2:"big people only know what they say, dude."
1:"but that's not fair."

Ranbir:"it is fair."
They turned to see their boss who heard everything.
Ranbir:"you guys work are falling short. Your report itself is a problem. And Mr. Sharma did his report correctly. He is not used to technology and still no one taught him here. There's a difference.
Try to see and understand that difference."

Ranbir left from there.
His whole day went into meeting and scolding someone or the other.
He knew now why Aryan called it a fucked up business. It was really fucked up. He will need time to get it back it its original position.

The employees themselves are demotivated. Demotivated employees leads to low quality leading to loss in the business.

At night, Ranbir thought to rest a bit. He knew he wouldn't sleep.
He checked his phone but there was no message this time.
Strange, he thought.
"Asleep? Maybe." He was lost in his thoughts when he heard a knock.
Thinking that it was Aryan, he said come in.

Pallavi came in. As Ranbir had his back towards her, he didn't notice her.
Ranbir:"so how was your shopping?"

Pallavi:"great, in fact wonderful."
Ranbir stiffened but turned to see her.

Pallavi came closer to him:
Pallavi:"look at you, all grown up and handsome as well."

Ranbir:"what do you want?"
Pallavi:"can't I come to see my son?"
Ranbir:"you lost that right way before."
Pallavi:"oh come on now, Ranbir. Don't be such a brat."
Ranbir clenched his fists in order to control himself.

Pallavi:"won't you hug your mom?"
She was about to hug him but he moved back.
Ranbir:"don't you dare touch me."
Pallavi:"what will you do? You can't do anything, just like you couldn't do anything in childhood."

Ranbir:"don't be mistaken by this."
Pallavi:"ohh, you are getting angry. Come on, carry on. I only heard about your anger, let me see  it for myself."

Ranbir, authoritatively:"Leave."
Pallavi:"we are having a moment together after 10 years. Don't spoil it."
Ranbir, angrily:"leave."

Hope you guys like it.
You guys are eagerly waiting for Prachi, she will be in the next one.
Thank you guys a lot for all the praises and comments.
Really grateful

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