2.Cute Type

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At age of 5...

Leo: Type you are not allowed to eat a single candy now stop crying....

Misha: Leo why are you scolding him like that...stop it now..I am sure Type will definitely listen to his doctor and won't eat candy...right Type...??

Type: Looked at Misha with teary eyes and he uttered Candyyyyyyyy....

After mom's death Type was pampered by everyone and whatever he asks he gets it...after coming Misha's place Type adopted a habit of eating candies but due to cavity, the doctor asked not to give him candies..

Leo: What to do with this kid Misha...he never listens to me......

Type: sobbing dadaa one candy...

Leo: No candy Type Stop it now ..you have become too stubborn and Misha you are too lenient on this kid...

Misha: Leo, look at his face how can you expect me to even scold this child...I can't be that heartless....come here type... don't cry baby...whatever your dad is saying it is for your good na ...now promise me you won't eat candy anymore...

Type: Momma....daddaaaaa scolding.....he sobs more...

Misha: aww my baby...how can you do this Leo..no honey no one will scold you I won't let anyone scold my baby....come here we will eat our dinner...Misha took Type with him..

Leo: Oh god Rayan how to handle this child...he knows that he is cute and everyone loves him and he takes advantage of that...

Rayan: relax Leo he is just 5 he will learn slowly .... common stop being so strict on him...

After 2 days...

Type: 😭😭 crying...Type wants candy...Type wants candy...Type is roaming in the house as Leo and Rayan went to the office and Misha took Grace to the doctor..she has stomach ache...Type really hates living alone ...he looked at one helper and said Aunt Chee, Type wants candy...

Chee: Baby Type, I can't give you ..Misha mam has asked me not to give...

Type: Curl his lower lips 🥺🥺🥺🥺 candddyyyyyyyyy.....Type wants candy...

Mee: Aww my poor baby...I can't stand here my heart can't see this baby like this...

It's really hard for anyone to see Type crying and he is so cute that people can't resist his cuteness...

Type went to kitchen searching for candy and his eye enlightened when he saw a jar of candy at shelf...awwww my candyyyy😍😍😍😍

Type look at the stairs with the help of which Aunt chee was cleaning upper shelf.......

Type move that stairs a little towards the right it's good that stair is so lightweight and Type Didn't have to put a lot of effort...

Type climbed the stairs and his smile widened when he reached to his candy Jar... Candyyyyy😋😋

But the moment he opened the jar, someone pull his ear harshly...

Tharn: Did your dad ask you not to eat candies...and these stairs are risky for kids...

Type: ahhhhhh...aaahh Leavveeee aaahhh myyyy earrssss Type started crying but Tharn didn't show any mercy on him...he pull Type down pulling his ears...

And took the jar of candy and put it back on the shelf...Type cried louder...aaahhhhhhhh daddddd aaahhhh....

Tharn: wait let your dad come I will tell him what you did...

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