JIN: a fleeting moment

Start from the beginning

A sadness fills your heart that chokes you up momentarily. You are aware of the present moment, and you can hear the clock ticking loudly in your head. This moment too will pass, he too will disappear from your sight. You grow anxious as you follow him into the train station. And for the first time you act upon it.

You walk faster, catching up to him and grab his hand.

Time stands still. The clock stops ticking and your anxiety fades away.

He halts abruptly, turning to you with a confused face. His eyebrows are furrowed. Sliding off his headphones, he looks at you and then your intertwined hands.

"Who are you?" he asks calmly.

"I am y/n" you answer, knowing that he wasn't aiming to get to know your name.

He looks confused, but not annoyed.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Holding your hand."


"Because I wanted to know what it would feel like."

"What if I have a girlfriend?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Then I am lucky."

The corner of his lip twitches slightly as if he was going to smile.
You smile.

"What train are you taking?"


"Me too, let's go together."

He looked at you in silence, his face showing no particular expression. You began to walk together.

"This is ridiculous" he then chuckled.

You didn't comment on it.

Of course, he did question  your sanity, considering the fact that you had just grabbed his hand and weren't letting go. But his gut feeling told him it was okay. He didn't feel uncomfortable. He was curious.

You looked familiar. Like a face that he had imagined for a long time.

He stopped when you were passing by the toilets.

"Wait, I need to go to the restroom" he said.

"Okay, I will be waiting here" you said. "I promise to wait."

He smiled, finding it amusing. Letting go of your hand, he disappeared behind the door.

You waited on him calmly. Your brain wasn't giving you the chance to question your actions and scold you for being weird and impulsive. You felt like in a dream. Weird things were happening, but they felt normal. Everything seemed to be as it should be.

A poster caught your attention, and you went to take a closer look.

It was advertising an art gallery in the coming month. You imagined attending it with him, wondering what he would wear. It made your heart flutter.

In the meanwhile, he had come out and was looking for you. His heart sank a little when he couldn't spot you immediately. You turned right on time, seeing him look around. A smile formed on your lips as you approached him.

"Were you disappointed when you didn't see him?" you asked, catching his attention. He looked almost relieved. Smiling slightly, he looked at you. Holding out your hand, you smiled back. He took your hand, allowing you to intertwine your fingers.

You walked together to the right rails and got on the train. Sitting together, you were still holding hands.

"Why did you hold my hand?" he wondered.

"I think I fell in love with you at the traffic lights" you bluntly answered. His ears first turned red before his cheeks colored rosy.

"Had I not grabbed your hand, you would have disappeared as it was a fleeting moment in which two strangers are at the same place at the same time" you explained. "I didn't want you to disappear, so I held your hand."

His heart swelled.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't usually go and grab random people's hands. I am actually very shy. But today I acted faster than I could think" you added, making him chuckle.

"How did you know I wasn't a creep?"

"Gut feeling" you replied.

"Why didn't you let go of my hand?" you then asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know..." he honestly responded, staring into your eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't usually hold people's hands when they suddenly grab my hand" he mimicked you, making you laugh.

You started talking about random things, all the while holding hands. Moments of silence would settle sometimes. You would look out the window while he would look at your intertwined fingers. Then he would look away, and you would steal a glance at him.

You felt connected. He didn't feel like a stranger. He matched up to the version you had invented of him upon first glance. He was gentle and kind. Not only that, but he felt familiar and safe.

At that moment you wondered whether you had met in another life, whether there was an alternate universe in which you were lovers.

Time flew by, and your station approached without you noticing. When your station was announced, you felt a sting in your heart.

He noticed your uneasiness and held your hand tighter.

"Are you getting off here?" he asked, trying to hide his own disappointment.

"Yes" you responded.

"Give me your phone" you said. He quickly handed his phone over, watching you type your number in a hurry. The train halted, and the doors slid open. Handing him the phone back, you got up.

"Text me" you said, still holding his hand.

"I will, I promise" he said. Smiling softly, you reluctantly let go of his hand. He watched you leave.

The moment you got off the train, a sharp pain shot through your heart. You felt sick to your stomach as you watched the train leave.

Fleeting moments are fleeting moments. They pass no matter what. It takes an effort to catch it and trap it, extending your time. Time is running, it's hard to touch.

He also had the same sensation as you. A lump formed in his throat and he felt unwell.

For a fleeting moment, you had manipulated time and space, creating your own bubble. You had shared something precious and unique. So it hurt all the more when the bubble popped.

With sweaty hands, he sent a message to the number you had saved. But he knew it wouldn't reach you because time and space was already restored.

"The message couldn't be delivered. The number you have dialed does not exist."

*A/N this is my favorite piece so far, I loved writing this (instagram at moonchild_starrynight)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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