I felt a tug at my heart, wishing my mother was here to see me getting married.

I'm not going to say stupid shit like she's always watching over me because that's a load of bullcrap. The dead is dead and the dead knows nothing. She was gone and never coming back.

My ears perked up when I heard the smooth music beginning to play. I looked up from the ground and my heart leaped before me.

It was Kelsey.

My Kelsey. My wife to be.

She was being escorted down the aisle by her father. Her face was covered with the vail but I could tell she was beautiful underneath. She's always beautiful, breathtaking at that. Always managing to have me falling in love with her over and over again. Everyday single day.

As he brought her to me, he nodded approvingly. I took her hand and she joined me at the altar.

Lifting her vail, a single tear fell from my eye. She was so mesmerizing, and she was mine. All mine.

Mine to love, mine to cherish. Mine to support and mine to care for.

She was my world.

"Hola, baby daddy." She cheesed, I could see tears in her eyes. But they were happy tears.

She was happy. We were happy.

"So you just gonna stand there or you gonna give your baby momma a kiss." Kelsey grinned, puckering her lips for a kiss and I lightly pecked them.

She smiled up at me as I kissed her forehead, then the priest began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today....."

Through the whole speech, I was distracted. Staring at Kelsey, I zoned out. I was thinking about all the things we'd do together. How we'd raise our babies together and grow old together. I kinda felt bad that they wouldn't have a normal life but that's just how the world is.

Not everyone was going to be born into a normal family living happily on the countryside. Growing wheat and eating berries. Singing to bird and running through gardens. Some of us were born for the opposite.

Some of us were born for greatness. And I wasn't talking about good Samaritan greatness.

I'm talking about the dark greatness. The greatness that inferiors and even some of societies most superiors fear. The greatness that had men and women cowering in their seats.

The Great Darkness.

That's the life we live. And as you live a life, you learn to accept it. You learn to love it.

Kelsey knew me well, but she didn't know everything about me. I was worst in my younger days. Much more ruthless and soulless. I'd still do the things I did then now. But at least now, I had something to care for.

I squeezed her hands gently and she smiled, intimately rubbing her index in the middle of my palm.

The woman was trying to get me horny.

Im front of a priest.



I smirked to myself, sweetly chasing his palm. He knew exactly what I wanted.

And I could tell by how he stared at me with those sinful eyes, filled with love, care, lust and adoration.

And also by the tent slowly rising in his pants.

The priest spoke, snapping us from our daydream.

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