Chapter 92

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His complexion was distorted and the blue and white exchanged for a while before gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want us to do?"

    Wen Lie saw their expressions in his eyes, knowing that these orcs were not much more honest than the original Zuo them. At this moment, they seemed to have accepted their fate, I was afraid that they wanted to run.

    How can this work?

    Wencheng is thriving, and there is a shortage of manpower. This nearly half a hundred strong labor can make everyone a little easier.

    He asked himself to tie up these guys firmly, and he looked forward to the sea and got an idea.

    While instructing the orcs to unload the cargo on the ship and take down the things needed to make the salt, he asked Luo Luo and several non-orcs to go to the beach and help him find some light-colored shells.

.Luo Luo and the others have never seen the sea, the deep blue and magnificent waters, the endless golden beaches, and the rare warm sun in cold weather. Everything constitutes a beautiful scenery that makes people heart-wrenching.

    At this time, seeing the great witch asking them to look for shells, they ran away happily without asking why.

    The canoe ran aground on the beach under the paddling of the orcs. They left the food on the boat and took down all the pots and urns they had collected. There were also bags of white mud, thick wood and stone knives. And various things needed to build pottery kilns.

    Yes, they are going to rebuild a pottery kiln here.

    After all, they couldn't use pottery pots or wooden boats to carry a large amount of seawater back to the tribe.

    Wen Lie thought about building small pottery kilns by the sea and salt ponds for drying salt by the way.

.The sky is getting dark again, and the orcs have started a fire on the beach, ready to make food after unloading their things.

    Wen Lie took a piece of charcoal from it, and when Luo Luo and the others came back with the shells full of them and piled it on the ground, they picked up one of the scallop shells and simply sketched a few strokes on the smooth side. The white shells suddenly appeared on the surface. A lifelike flying eagle appeared.

    Put this on the ground, the eyes of the phantom carving orcs will be staring out!

    Although they don't have much contact with the outside world all year round, they are naturally keen and cunning, and they are often rough and considerate in solving problems. Although they have not been through their brains in the two battles against dragons and beasts and Wen Lie, they have not a lot of knowledge.

    At this time, they looked at the outline of this incredible young witch, which was clearly a witch character!

    And why did he make this look so similar to their animal shape? ?

.Soon they knew that this was not their illusion.

    I saw that the big witch in front of him finished the flying eagle, put down the charcoal, then drilled a hole in the shell with a sharp piece of wood, pierced it with a thin vine, and finally entangled the two ends of the vine.

    Then, put it around the neck of their patriarch? ?

    The orcs of the Phantom Eagle Tribe were extremely surprised, and the black and white faces were full of complexity.

    Seeing the shells falling on the patriarch's chest, I suddenly felt a little envious.

    That was made by the great witch.

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