Chapter 31

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At the same time, the harsh whistling sound galloped past, bringing the stench of fermented rotten flesh!


    The flesh-eating beast that rushed from a distance reappeared in front of everyone again.

    Accompanied by thunder-like rumblings, like a heavy hammer hitting the ground, dense footsteps like drums came from a distance!


    The panic-stricken half-orcs were obviously frightened, and the smaller half-orcs had already begun to lose control of their instinctive fear, and began to scream!

    The tail was stretched violently before he could barely shut his mouth and did not dare to make a sound.

    Zhan's face was also panic. He looked at Miu, and tried his best to endure himself not to stress, "This is a group of flesh-eating beasts! Why is there a group of beasts?!"

    The meat-eater just didn't find them, but left to gather his companions! !

.Miu’s performance just now clearly knows that there will be a herd of animals!

    Seeing that the flesh-eating beast was about to rush over, the way was blocked by a dozen orcs who appeared in the sky.

    It's Zuo them!

    The orcs were in a nearby cave. When Miao gave an order, they knew that there was a situation. In addition, the orcs with sensitive hearing had already heard something was wrong, and immediately ran over looking for a sound.

    It's just that they obviously didn't expect it to be a flesh-eating beast! !

    Without thinking about it, Zuo He Bang instantly turned into a wolf shape, and joined forces to stop the meat-eaters headed by them.

    Pan yelled, "Miao!!! What's the matter?!"

    Carnivores are not social animals. They will even hunt the same species. Without special circumstances, they will never appear in groups. This is the first time the orcs have seen the situation of rushing in one direction as if they were crazy.

.Tu who rushed over afterwards suddenly shrank his pupils after being puzzled, and instantly thought of a certain possibility.

    He looked at Miu who was cold-eyed, and the other's eyes looked over at the same time. The two looked at each other through the fierce flesh-eating beasts, and saw the same answer in each other's eyes.

    Tu couldn't help clenching his teeth, his cheeks trembling violently. For a long time, he rushed to the beasts behind and shouted, "All come and help!"

    The battle in front of Zuo He Bang paused for a while, and then thought of Miu at the forefront, decisively responded to Tu's request and went to help the orcs deal with the large army.

    Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Before Wen Lie could react, he saw Xuechen flying and roaring constantly, and the battle of life and death was kicked off.

    This was the second time he faced death threats.

.The first time was a cruel and vicious poacher, and the second time is now, a group of extremely vicious primitive beasts.

    Wen Lie felt that his breathing was trembling, and the instinctive fear of the human body overcame his reason, making him want to retreat and escape involuntarily.

    Miao turned into a beast shape, blocking him and a group of half-orcs, making a flexible jump, avoiding the drooling mouth of the carnivorous beast, and biting his sharp teeth on the opponent's neck. The sharp claws pierced the spine of the meat-eater, and when it landed again, a piece of bloody flesh was brought out from the mouth of the silver wolf, and several deep wounds were added to the back of the meat-eater, even the nearby ones. A few eyes rolled off.

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