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Chapter 41


I don't know why I didn't expect it to be this bad when I walk out and see the destruction. Empty bullet shells litter the street in front of my house where it was clear my dad was trying to hold things down from the ground. I can see the bodies of revenants that got close to our house when I pointed down to shoot them. Luckily it was so dark that I don't even think they noticed I was the one helping them from above. The bullet shells on the ground and especially in the roof is another thing on the never ending list of things to do in Chester. I couldn't focus too much on that now, but I wanted to just get a good look at the revenants that attacked us. Nobody knows why I like to do it and it's hard to explain to anyone else. The only one that used to understand was Nikolai because he liked the way that I thought about things. I want to make sure that they look the same as I always know them to be, and not different. The last thing we need is a new type of revenant that came come back after being shot or something.

I look closely and can tell from the pale skin and the dull blue eyes on the ones that still have heads they are the same. When they are alive the eyes almost glow and it's actually a scarier sight than anything else about them in my opinion. I know that I can't stay and think any longer though and hold out my gun with my finger ready on the trigger as I wander along through Chester. I can tell right away that we weren't prepared for something like this because it only takes one turn on the corner to see Ms. Neung---. 


A Chester resident dead on the ground after being killed by a revenant that managed to get past Noah and me. I don't know if it's still around though, but the death looks especially fresh, and I assume that it's still alive. I listen for the moan and when I hear it I take off in pursuit.

I see a glimpse of something trying to duck into a building and go after it. As soon as I see those glowing blue eyes I shoot, and it goes down cold. I sweep the rest of the building and see that others are in their hiding and as soon as I step down and make a sound they all turn towards me. They start crawling towards me and I waste no time to shot them all down one by one. I almost don't notice one on the floor slowly crawling towards me until it is almost at my feet. I aim my gun down and shoot just inches away from my own shoe as I blow its head into a mess. The splash gets all over me and I walk out of the building, fully disgusted at getting the guts of revenant head all over my pants. 

The next building, was the little two story bed and breakfast, I go in  and it seems to be empty. Untouched by everything that happen last night.

I'm ready to walk out when I heard creaking noises inside. I quietly enter with my gun and see not revenants, but people hiding behind the front desk. They panic a little when they see my gun, so I quickly point it down and away from them before talking to them.

"Are any revenants in here?"

"No, we ran in and closed the door. We just heard gunshots and didn't know if it was safe out there yet." One woman started to explain to me.

"We are still doing a sweep of Chester for any revenants that are still around. They aren't incoming anymore but if you leave here have extreme caution. If not I recommend staying hunkered down in here until you hear an all clear that Chester doesn't have any revenants in it." I tell them with authority.

"Thank you Haley, we don't know what we would do without you." She says and I make my way outside again.

They say that they don't know what they would do without me, but I still feel like a failure having not protected Chester well enough.  I want everyone to be able to trust me to protect them, and I know that the woman wouldn't have said that if she saw how many residents were killed last night because I just wasn't good enough. 

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