The Nicest Rejection

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Chapter 11


I quickly fed Haley from my wrist letting a few droplets fall into her mouth. The second she fed Haley was up and at Noah's side.

"Noah!" Haley screamed kneeling down over his unconscious body.

Pain explodes inside my head as I recline on a nearby couch massaging my templates. For fuck sake I thought I was being attacked with the way Noah bit down on her neck. I've burned at the stake, tortured and drowned but that was nothing compared to pain and fear I felt from Haley being attacked.

"He'll be fine", I said looking over the back of the couch at the dramatic scene before me.

"You knocked him out!"

"He was draining you. I saved you",I said setting the record straight. "If I hadn't stopped him he would gone back for seconds and you wouldn't have survived".

"Noah wouldn't hurt me", She said cradling his head and her lap.

"The four bite marks on your neck beg to differ", I acknowledged. "He will be fine".

"Fine. You smashed in his head!"

"I barely touched him", I said sounding more like my mother than I liked. At this rate, I was going to have to physically stay with Haley until she transitioned completely. "While he sleeps it off we need to have an important conversation".

Haley held Noah's body close to her and gently patted his cheek as if that was going to wake him up,"Can't you do something?"

I did.

Knocking him out was the something.

But that most likely wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. With a raging headache I stood up walked over to Haley and Noah. I picked Noah up and tossed him down onto their bed. And instantly Haley was at his side,"You have to be more careful with the things you choose to... Engage in. Not only does your behavior affect you it affects me as well".

"I'm not going to apologize for being intimate with my husband", she grumbled.

"Must everything be in extremes? I'm not saying don't have sex with whoever you want. I'm saying right now, You're in an unknown delicate state. And if you get hurt I get hurt. So for both of our sanities Let's put on the brakes for that kind of stimulation".

"Fine", Haley said turning her attention back to Noah,"But he is going to wake up".

"Yes", Most likely. I did not hold back when I stomped on Noah's face. It was just going to take a while.

I didn't like that I had distressed Haley It was like I was hurting myself as I watched her curl up protectively against Noah. At least this one genuinely cared about Noah's well-being his other conquest I couldn't say the same.

"I'll make myself comfortable somewhere else", I said leaving the bedroom.

Haley was strong, strong strong enough to beat the crap out of me but not strong enough to fight off a vampire who actually wanted to cause her harm. She needed blood and food and her emotions were directly tied with mine.

It was going to be a long adjustment period.


I did my best to nurse Noah awake but the only thing I could do was put ice on his forehead and make sure he was breathing every couple minutes. He was going to have an ugly bruise and bump on his forehead for the next couple of days.

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