Good Luck

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Chapter 20


"Hello?!" I shouted as I wondered around downstairs barefooted only in a pair of gray sweatpants. I was confused on why breakfast wasn't on the table and it was a ghost town down here. You take a nap and boom the world flashes before my eyes. "Robert! Emma!"

I knocked on Robert's door and there was no answer. Did they leave me behind... Again.

They abandon me!

Twice in one month!

...God I needed a life.

I didn't like then everyone had someone except me. Robert had Emma, Giovanni had Raven,Noah had Haley, Even though she could have totally been my sister, even fucking Eric had Mey.

I'll always have Natalie... As long as my credit card clears. Well Robert's credit card.

I made my way back to my room. I should really clean up. But then again Emma would do it and I knew exactly where Everything was. I had a pile of normal clothes in one corner, military uniform in the other, a couple blood bags strategically stored all around my entertainment set up which consisted of a 60-in holographic television with a surround sound, stereo, a VR PlayStation, a bunch of old as fuck board games but sometimes Robert and Emma will play with me and my black California king size bed that definitely needed to be washed.

I threw myself back on my bed not knowing what to do. I could call Robert and see where he was at, but I didn't want to interrupt the time he wanted to spend with Emma. Just because I was bored didn't mean I needed to ruin their alone time.

At least my Legos would never leave me.

"Good evening Mathis", PAM said making me jump up with the excitement. I had a call! "You have an incoming home from---"

"I accept!" laying in bed all night just reminding me of a worse time.

I expected Robert or Emma to appear before me. So I was kind of put off when Noah appeared," where is Giovanni and Robert?"

Oh well go fuck yourself. What do I look like their personal secretary.

Noah was dressed for battle from the black combat pants black Dri-fit shirt and shit stomper boot s. He was going somewhere and he meant in business,"Why are you looking for them?"

"I need their help. If you see the pass the message along?"

"Is it an emergency?" Because if it was I could get a hold of Robert. I just chose not to.

"Someone important life is at risk I don't have much time to waste. If you see them let them know I need to cash in a favor".

"Is it Haley?" I asked just wanted to make sure that my not sister but possibly could be sister was okay. I figured she was or Noah would be in a complete upro ar but I had only heard from the news about the attack at the hotel. But Haley was tough so I didn't really think about it. Maybe I should have.

"No it's not Haley thankfully. The little girl who helped me get into Evan has gone missing. Her sister thinks she may have been taken to Old Cuts by the rebels. I have to get to her before it's too late. If I don't go no one will go".

Kids were a soft spot for me. I hated seeing anyone in trouble and abandoned. It reminded me too much of myself not for me to do something. Especially now that I could,"I could---"

Wait a second, I should ask Robert before I just charge into a volatile situation. I didn't know anything about the human rebels other than they hated vampires. They would probably kill us if they found us. And if anything happened to me I know it would destroy Robert. I shouldn't volunteer. I didn't even know this kid... But I had all the facts I needed.

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