Chapter 79 - Rohana - Not The Time For Drama

Start from the beginning

"I've never once seen you fail to block that move," she says in Thralian as I come to stand by her side and watch as the Bhaltayr all clap him on the back as he gets back on dry land on the other side of the river.

"Yeah, well, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and if you lose then you learn something new."

"I wouldn't know, I've never lost."

"You're an immortal. There's plenty of time for that to change."

"It'll never change," proclaims confidentially.

"We'll see." We share a smile as Clarice joins us. I take note of her perfectly dry clothing despite the fact that she just walked out of the water herself.

"I control water," she explains, taking note of my observation. "It's not hard to pull it out of my clothes. See."

She holds out a hand, palm up, fingers slowly moving. I look down and watch as my leathers return to their dry color and the water that was in them floats to her hand. It all clumps into one ball until the last drop is gone and I'm once again dry.

"Well, I suppose it's a good sign if you're able to have such control so quickly," I muse. "Thank you, Mater."

She shrugs, but I don't miss her own increase in satisfaction. "Don't mention it. Although I will say, I like you better wet."

"So do the men," Mak adds under her breath. Clarice laughs, their little exchange of glances telling me that they somehow had this whole joke set up for this specific moment.

I roll my eyes as they continue to laugh and end up looking over to where Darius stands on the other side of the river, a simple smile on his face as he stares at Clarice and watches her continue to laugh. Something tells me that he likes the sound of her laugh.

"At least I get wet," I retort easily. "The rest of you are as dry as a desert." That shuts them up real quick.

"That's only because I've been locked up for two months," Clarice responds defensively, crowding her arms. I cringe at the error of my words, but she seems to be enjoying our little banter. It seems she's been taking notes when listening to the rest of us verbally abuse each other.

"And what's your excuse for before that?" Vanya asks, easily carrying on the conversation.

"Who said I was dry before that?"

"How could you have been when you had the Crown Prince of Vandaria's hands all over you," Katarina adds as she descends from the bridge. The young lady has been watching from afar as we trained, mainly sticking to the water's edge closest to where Clarice practiced, and away from her lover's quarrel.

"I didn't...I...did I....did we...?" she asks us, eyes wide and frantic.

"No," Kat answers casually. "But you wanted to."

"Katarina," Nilsa warns.


Clarice doesn't say anything, and I look over her shoulder to find Darius no longer smiling nor looking anyone in the eye.

"Come on," Dee says, taking Clarice's hand and pulling her away from our small group. "I have an idea but I need your help."

Clarice is clearly zoned out, but she lets Dee pull her away. If anyone can get Clarice's head straight again, it's Dee. We watch them go, then all turn to Kat with stern looks.

"Leave me alone, I'm depressed."

"Clearly." Katarina sticks her tongue out at Mak.

"That's no excuse to go meddling in other people's lives," Nilsa says.

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