Chapter Thirty-Seven: War Begins Now!!

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

"War Begins Now!!"

Bee Na's POV

I felt really bad after she said those words to me. The next morning, all the personal cars arrived along with Tah Shay's new driver. I was about having breakfast when I saw her leaving early.

"Ya! Why are you going to work this early?" I yelled and she continued walking

"I'm not going to work. Get a life!" she yelled back

My emotions were mixed. I was angry at her for cheating years ago and for the things she had been doing since she got back. I hated talking to her or showing any emotions towards her but I couldn't help myself. I care about her way too much to restrain myself.


Natsaha's POV

I went shopping early the next morning just to take the pressure off. I didn't want to battle with Hyun Nam De looking tensed and less fashionable. My new driver took me to the mall. It was getting hard going around Korea with one hand. He took me to the same shopping mall Bee Na's fans attacked me years prior. I had flashbacks of what he said on his interview and how I was attacked but I tried to keep myself together

After shopping, my driver noticed we had a flat tire. I asked him to go back home with a cab and get another car and he did just so. While waiting in the parking lot, I tried calling someone who could fix the tire. I stood close to the car trying to explain to the person my location. Immediately, I felt a sharp pin go through my skin and someone covered my mouth. I slipped my phone into my pocket, then I felt dizzy and blacked out.


Bee Na's POV

Tah Shay's driver came back to get another car to go pick Tah Shay up. He said her car had a flat tire but I found it hard to believe for a car that had just been fixed. I didn't want to worry myself about it, I just handed my car key to him and he left.

My patience was running out. I wanted to go to work but he wasn't showing up. He returned saying he couldn't find Tah Shay and she wasn't answering his calls. I tried calling her too but she wouldn't answer. I ran back inside and asked Na Kim to call her since they were pretty close but she didn't answer. I tried putting every piece together.

A car that had just been fixed, having a flat tire? Someone that's always with her phone not answering? I called the office and I was told she wasn't there either. It hit me that something was wrong.


Na Kim's POV

It was unlike Tah Shay not to answer her calls. Bee Na was mostly worried. He ran out of my room without saying a word as if he saw a ghost. I ran after him. He collected his car key from Tah Shay's driver and started the car. I jumped in, still trying to call Tah Shay but she didn't answer.


Natasha's POV

I woke up in a semi-dark room, my hands were tied to my ankle but it was free to move a little. A man wearing a mask asked if I was okay. I was so scared, I couln't answer. Also, I was still a bit dizzy and weak. When I acquired the strength to talk, I begged him to let me go but he refused. He later said he was going to get me something to eat, then tied my mouth and left.

I noticed my phone was still in my pocket and I felt he was really dumb not to have searched me. I thanked God it was on silent seeing missed calls from my driver, Bee Na and Na Kim. I sent a text to Na Kim telling him I was kidnapped and he should try tracing my phone because I had no Idea were I was.

My phone fell and as I tried to pick it us, I got injured by a broken bottle I never noticed, but I picked my phone up regardless. After sending the text, I opened my sound recorder, planning to record my conversations with the culprit just in case I made it out. I placed my phone in my inner breast pocket of the blazer I was wearing, then I started to pray.


Na Kim's POV

We were on our way to file a missing person report when I received a text from Tah Shay saying she had been kidnapped and the only way to find her was to trace her phone. When I told Bee Na about it, he parked the car and yelled at me to hurry up with the tracing. He was going crazy. 

I traced her cell and got a location but it was an hour away from where we were. Bee Na drove as though he was in a racing contest, ignoring cars and breaking traffic rules.


Natasha's POV

While my phone was recording, the man came back with food. He said he had to feed me before he kills me. My first guess was that he poisoned the food, hence, I refused to eat.

"Who sent you? Tell me! Whatever they are paying you, I'll triple it." I struggled to say

"I don't want your money. I'm doing this to clear my records. But if you must know who sent me before you die, remember Hyun......Nam......De!" he said and my eyes widened

He still tried to feed me but I refused to eat. He slapped me repeatedly but I refused to eat anyways. After a while, he grabbed me.


Bee Na's POV

I was going to kill the bastards that kidnapped Tah Shay. I told Na Kim to inform the cops about our mission and he should give them the exact location. When we arrived, I told Na Kim to stay in the car, seeing it was an abandoned building and her kidnappers could be armed.

I carefully walked into the building and searched for Tah Shay. I noticed someone on the floor and my eyes popped when I realized it was Tah Shay and there was no one else in the building. I ran towards her and noticed her clothes were ripped. I couldn't bring myself to understand that she had been sexually abused and shot in the stomach.

I tried waking her up but it was of no use. At that time, she was unconscious but her heart was still beating. I carried her to the car and placed her in the back seat. Seeing her condition, Na Kim switched positions and tried to stop her from bleeding while I drove back into town to the nearest hospital. Na Kim insisted that her glows shouldn't be taken off when we got there.

Fortunately, they were able to get her stable after hours of attending to her. I went in to see her and prayed for her to wake up along side detectives. I only wanted her to be okay, but the doctor made it clear that she lost a lot of blood and she wasn't just sexually abused, poison was detected on her lips. He said not to worry, that he took care of everything but he wasn't guaranteeing her well being.

"Tah Shay, you can't die" I said as tears ran down my cheeks and I held onto her hand


Author's Note: Hey guys, I hope this counts as an update lol because I can only update a chap today. Please forgive me ^_^ Anyways, I have to read for  my exam so until then, I can't update for a while. Miane haeyo. BUT! Whenever I update, it will be the last chaps. Sadly, it's coming to an end. Oh WEll! Fighting!


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