Chapter Eighteen: One Month Of Tortue-Part Three

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Chapter Eighteen

"One Month Of Torture-Part Three"

Bee Na's POV

Arrived pretty late, after fixing my phone, the first person I called was Tah Shay. She sounded so excited to her from me, then nagged about calling her so late. She said to work hard and make her proud as well.

"I miss you Tah Shay" I remember saying

"I miss you too. You have to come back immediately after the one month expires. I have something to yell you" she replied

"Really? Tell me now"

"Nah! Pfft! This brat. I'll tell you when you get back."

We talked for a while after that. She told me she was having fun at my house and eating a lot. She said mother was easing up to her and everything was fine. I was glad. If she had said otherwise, I would have gone back to Korea.

After a long while, she said she was tired and wanted to sleep. I hated stressing my girl. Yes! My girl. I let her be. I hung up and called Na Kim and he confirmed that everything was okay. I started work with peace of mind.


Natasha's Pov

My phone rang, I noticed the ID was foreign. It had to be Bee Na. I pulled myself together and answered the phone. I didn't want him  to worry, I pretended to be excited and lied about having fun. It hurt me so bad. Every time I wasn't talking, I cried as I listened to his voice.

I planned to tell him everything when he returned. We talked for a while and when I couldn't hold my tears back any longer, I told him I wanted to go to bed and he agreed. It was the hardest thing.


Na Kim's POV

Bee Na called me to make sure Tah Shay was telling the truth. I had to keep my promise to Tah Shay, hence, I lied about her being okay and insisted that everything was fine.

After talking to him, I went to see Son Jin. I felt bad about the way I acted and wanted to talk to her. I waited outside her workplace till it was late, trying to figure out what I'd say to her. She came out few minutes passed her closing time 8:03pm

"당신은 얼마나 오래 기다리고있다 " {How long have you been waiting?} she asked as she caught sight of me

"얼마 " {A while!} I said and stood up

" 당신은 무엇을 원하세요" {What do you want?} she asked

"미안 해요. 나는 이기적인와 내가 캐나다로 이동해야한다고 생각 " {I'm sorry. I was selfish and I think you should go to Canada}

"나 김 " {Na Kim} she said and her eyes began to water

"얼마나 사라질 것 " {How long will you be gone?}

"3 ~ 4 년 " {Three or Four years} she replied and her tears dropped

Four years? My heart stopped. I was about to confess to her but I guess I had to wait until after four years.


Son Jin's POV

He didn't seem pleased and I couldn't hold my tears back either. He looked the other way, trying to hide his emotions. I walked close to him.

" 나 김! 내 친구가되어 주셔서 감사합니다" {Na Kim! Thanks for being my friend} I said

He looked at me, then grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms. His heart was pounding, his grip was tight but warm at the same time. I wasn't expecting it, my hands stayed down.

"야! 난 여전히 당신의 친구예요. 심지어 4 년, 난 여전히 당신의 친구가 될 것입니다 " {Ya! I'm still your friend. Even after four years, I'll still be your friend} he said

" 감사합니다" {Thank you.} I said and accepted his hug. I wrapped my hands around him

"때 떠난다 " {When do you leave?}

"이일에 " {In two days}

He asked me to watch a movie with him before I go and I agreed. We went to the cinema and watched a romantic movie of two lovers parting ways. He held onto my hand and every time I cried, he tightened his grip.


Bee Na's POV

My mum arranged a partner to put me through but I had no idea who it was. To my surprise, it was Park Ji-Won, my high school crush that left Korea a long time ago. She looked different, she adapted the American style and she looked prettier. Park Ji-Won gave me more information about the job and a schedule.

That same day, we met some important people at a party. Park Ji-Won introduced me to all of them. It was quite tiring but fun. An artist that had made it big time in the states said he'll paint for me for free. I was so excited. I sent a picture of Tah Shay to his phone and said he should paint her.

I got back to the hotel room exshauted. I tried calling Tah Shay but her phone was turned off. Just immediately, Park Ji-Won knocked on my door and said she wanted to have dinner with me. I invited her in and room service followed her in with dinner.

Park Ji-Won arranged everything on a table but for some reason, I wanted to eat on the floor like Tah Shay and I would. Park Ji-Won and I ate dinner together, but on a table. We talked about what we've been up to after high school while drinking an imported wine.

Our chit chat exceeded normal hours and Park Ji-Won got really drunk then passed out. I carried her and placed her on my bed, then slept on the sofa.


Athor's Note: This is short, mian haeyo. ^_^ I'll do better. Keep reading! Fighting!



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