Chapter Four: Getting Focused

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Chapter Four

"Getting Focused"

Natasha's POV

Woke up seeing Dong Sun, Son jin, Bae Sin and their mother all staring at me. I didn't know where I was but suddenly figured it out, feeling my hand pierced with a needle

"Are you okay?" Dong Sun asked

"Yes. Just a little bit dizzy" I replied as I got comfortable on the bed

"What happened?" Son Jin asked

"I don't remember. Who brought me here?"

"Bon-hwa Oppa" Son jin replied. Dong Sun looked at Son Jin immediately

"The boyfriend?" he inquired

"No way!" I exclaimed "Who said?"

"Never mind, Just get some rest" Dong Sun replied

"그녀는 괜찮습니까 " {Is she okay? Is she hurt?} his mum asked

"예! 훌륭한 어머니가 그녀, 아무 걱정할 필요가 없습니다 " {Yes! She's fine mother, no need to worry} she smiled at me, I smiled back

Dong Sun and Son Jin left for a while leaving Bae Sin and I together. Mother slept off. Bae Sin just stared at me. I waved at him, he didn't reply, he just stared. Dong and Son Jin finally returned. Son Sin jumped on her mum, complaining about her sleeping habits. Dong Sun found it cute as they both tried to defend themselves.

Dong Sun came closer and gave me a cell phone and new clothes to change into. He said I was going to be discharged that same day but I have to avoid getting cold again. He already saved his number in it just in case of emergency.

"Saved your number with a picture?" I asked

"Well no, I didn't think of that"

"You should have. Haha!" I sat up straight "Come closer"

He did, resting his checks on mine. Then I took a photo of us and saved it. Son Jin ran over pushing Dong Sun a bit and requesting I take a photo with her as well. Dong Sun stayed amused. Their mother slept off again. We all noticed and laughed about it.

"I'll take you home when you're ready" Dong Sun said

" 감사합니다 " {Thank You!} I replied, actually speaking Korean for the first time.They were both proud of my improvements. Son Jin tickled me for a while, it was a warm atmosphere. I suddenly remembered something important I had to do

"What day is today?"

"2nd. Why?" Son Jin asked

"I have somewhere to be today. Can you take me? I have the address and all. Plus you have to help with the translation" I replied looking at Dong Sun

"Sure!" he said

"We have practice today by 2:00pm and it's 11:30am right now. Will you be able to make it?" Son Jin interrupted

"Yes I will"

We all were sure of what we had to do. I had to go to a certain company and make my petitions known to them. It was a big step in boosting my organization and making it global. Arriving there at 12:40pm, Dong Sun did most of the translations but we were told to wait a while for the CEO. I while turned into an hour, I looked at the big clock in the conference room and it was already 1:40pm and he had not arrived. I was about to get up and leave at 1:52pm when he showed up.

The CEO apologized greatly for his lateness and then asked why I wanted to see him. As Usual, It was all translated which too most of the time. I was trying my best but he wanted me to expantiate on my company. At 3:10pm he called his lawyer to draw a contract for his donation to my company and we had to wait.


Bon hwa's Pov

It was already 3:10pm, I didn't see Natasha. I felt she was probably still mad and didn't want to come or she was still sick and mad at me for making her sick then didn't want to show up. I was going crazy. We were all waiting for her. I went to Son Jin and asked her.

"우리는 그녀가 어디, 한 시간 이상 기다렸다? " {We've waited for more than one hour, where is she?}

" 그녀는 어딘가에 중요 가야했다하지만 그녀는 여기에 약속 " {She had to go somewhere important but she promised to be here} hearing that, I knew she wasn't angry. I got my self esteem back.

"우리는 그녀없이 시작합니다, 우리는 충분히 기다렸다 " {We'll start without her, we've waited long enough}

I got the rehearsals started and became my usual self.


Natasha's Pov

It was 3:40pm, I collected the contract and begged to read it over and meet some other time. Dong Sun took me to the studio. Getting there at 4:15pm, I walked in hearing the dance instructor say goodbye to the dancers. It was already over and everyone was going home. I moved from the door and hid myself behind Dong Sun, afraid of how Bon-hwa would react.

"미안 해요" {I'm sorry!} I manage to say

"미안 해요 " {I'm sorry!?} Bon-hwa shouted. Everyone still in the room froze.

"I had something important to take care of. I'll make it next time"

"Next time? When is next time? You know what, you lack responsibility. This is important to everyone one that came, so you just decided not to care? Decide now! This or whatever that is"

I wasn't pleased with the way Bee Na acted. I mean, you made a girl drive you to the hospital, take you half way home, be mean to her and send her out under the rain, got her sick, take her to the hospital and leave her. You see her the next day, no apology? I left my shield (Dong Sun)

"I lack responsibility? You don't know me, you don't know why I'm here. We've had our arguments, I've been your slave. It's all been about you. I do one thing for myself and I lack responsibility? Okay! I pick me. I pick what's important to ME! You've been mean ever since I got here, so why will anything you do be important to me? You don't even listen."

I turned back and grab Wo Ni and asked if we could leave. He nodded and we headed for the door. I felt something was not said so I stopped.

"One more thing Bon-hwa, it won't kill you to be nice, give a compliment, say you're sorry or thank you" then I left.

Author's note: Hey guys. This one turned out short and contained a lot of conversations no? Well hope you're picturing it like I am. Sorry about it being mostly coversations and most people are not enjoying it being in Korean as well. Bear with me, she just have to learn Korean first. In my head, lol. Keep reading, ignore typos, stay strong, good health to you. Fighting!

-Na Oh Min

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