Chapter Twenty -Two: Time Will Tell? Yeah! Maybe!

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Chapter Twenty - Two

"Time Will Tell? Yeah! Maybe!"

Natasha POV

I stayed at Wo Ni's house for days, crying my heart out and hoping that Bee Na would come explain. I decided to go shopping with Wo Ni just to ease the pain. I didn't want him to worry about me. I took it all in and hid my emotions in the deepest part of my heart.

While shopping, an interview with Bee Na come on. It highlighted the fact that he was taking up the role as the sole heir to Gateway. He was accompanied by his mother. Hyun Nam De,

The interviewer asked about Bee Na's love life and if he was getting married soon. That I could understand because she said "love life" and "married" in English. I begged Wo Ni to interpret the rest of the interview


Bee Na: I don't have a love life anymore.

Interviewer: Not anymore? Haha! What happened?

Bee Na: You can't be with someone that betrayed you.

Interviewer: You mean she cheated? Who is this someone? Perhaps, the girl you posted her pictures on your IG page? The dancer from your last performance?

Bee Na: Yes! That one.

Interviewer: That's sad. She was your first love. I know because I'm a fan of yours and I follow your life. Hyun Nam De, what's your take on this?

Hyun Nam De: I actually agree with my son. Not only did she break his heart, she cheated and stole a lot from my house. She is basically unworthy.

Interviewer: Wow! What a girl. That's big. Are you over her now Bee Na?

Bee Na: Yes! Precisely.

Interviewer: Wow! That gives room for Korean girls right? hahaha

I couln't believe my ears and I know Wo Ni wouln't lie about anything. He said I cheated? How? She said I stole. When? They both accused me of things I never did and I wasn't going to apologize for either. I left Wo Ni to pay for the items we bought.

I stumbled across a bunch of girls that happened to be fans of Bee Na. They were also watching the interview and feeling bad for Bee Na. One saw me and recognized me from the pictures on IG and again, from my picture that was flashed on t.v. She alerted the other girls.

"야! 당신은 창녀를 훔쳐 부정 행위 아닌가요 "  {Ya! Ain't you the cheating stealing slut?} one of them said

"She's American, she can't understand Korean" another said

All of a sudden, a girl threw milk at me, then all of them began to throw stuff at me. They laughed and shouted, calling me names in English. I couln't even move a muscle.

Few seconds later, Wo Ni rapped his arms around me but they kept throwing stuff at us, anything they could lay their hands on. They mall security came and stopped everything but they couldn't stop me from crying.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this" Wo Ni said, still holding on to me but I was too crushed to reply.


Bee Na's POV

I went back home, tired and frustrated. Mother commended me for my effort. We part ways, she went to her room and I headed for mine. Before entering, one of the maids ran to me, holding a present. She said it arrived from the states and it was addressed to me. I thanked her, collected it and entered my  room.

Before I could open it, Na Kim ran into my room yelling. He searched for my  t.v remote and turned it on. The news popped up. The reporter said 'fans of Bee Na takes action by attacking the girl that broke his heart at a supermarket.....' I  grabbed the remote from Na Kim and turned it off. I didn't want anything to do with her. Better yet, I did to feel sorry for her.

"문형! 이 작업을 STP와 당신의 감각에 와서해야합니다. 엄마가 당신을 사용하는 것을 허용하지 마십시오 " {Hyung! You have to stop this and come to your senses. Don't allow mum to use you} he said

"야! 다시는 그 사람에 대해 얘기하지 마세요  " {Ya! Don't talk about that person ever again}

"때 TAH 셰이는 '그 사람'이 되었는가 " {When did Tah Shay become 'that person'}

"나가! " {Get out!} I yelled

I didn't want anything to do with her. I was hoping that she'd come and explain or defend herself but she didn't. Perhaps, there was nothing to defend. I looked my door after Na Kim left and opened the present and it was a painting of Tah Shay, the one I told the artist to make. I carried it and sat on the floor.

"난 여전히 당신을 사랑하지만 당신이 결코하지 않았다 보인다. 당신이 자신을 방어 오기를 TAH 셰이, 나는 기다릴 것이다. 그 때까지, 나는 당신에게 말을하지 않을 것이다 " {I still love you, but it seems you never did. Tah Shay, I'll wait for you to come defend yourself. Until then, I won't speak to you} I said to the painting

I had a flashback of when she made her promise and after I kissed her, she didn't say 'I love you too'. I couldn't help but cry.


Na Kim's POV

I left his room as he ordered but I didn't plan to stop there. I still had to keep my promise to Tah Shay, not to tell him about how she suffered. I was going crazy, I felt he needed to know. Son Jin called me, telling me she read about Bee Na's interview. I told her everything that happened at home and she didn't sound please about it.

" 야! 나는 당신을 그리워" {Ya! I miss you} I said as I jumped on my bed

"야! 나도 당신을 그리워 " {Ya! I miss you too} she replied

"당신이 돌아 오면, 난 당신이 볼 수있는 처음이야. 내가 너에게 할 말이있어. 이해 " {When you get back, I'm the first you have to see. I have something to tell you. Understand?}

"이해 " {I understand}

I wanted to confess to Son Jin and made sure she understood the extent my mum would go to destroy our lives. I didn't want what was happening to Bee Na and Tah Shay to happen to Me and Son Jin.


Author's note: Sorry its a bit short. ^_^ Keep reading, don't forget to vote and leave comments. alasseo?

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