Chapter Thirty Five: Try Eat Your Cake And Have It

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"Try Eat Your Cake And Have It"

Natasha's POV

Resuming work the next day, I found paper works on my desk. As I tried to make sense of it, I stumbled across a document that relayed an information to the public that I was auctioning my 60% of Gateway daycare center. I knew it had everything to do with Hyun Nam De. I searched for her but couldn't find her. Bee Na wasn't in his office either. I grabbed my keys and drove all the way to their house.


Bee Na's POV

It was abeoji's birthday after two years of his death. Every family member gathered to listen to his will. Extended family inclusive. Grandfather was present too. According to his will, his schools in Korean were to be owned and managed by Na Kim the owner of the V ring.

Everything else were he owned were to be shared among the V bracelet and the V necklace. As we were trying to figure out who had possession of the V necklace, Tah Shay barged in and verbally abused mother.

"Yah! Who do you think you are? How dare you auction me without my knowledge?" she yelled

"Child! Calm down" Grandfather said

"Miane haeyo ajussi" Tah Shay said and bowed

"Child come closer" he said and she obeyed

She knelt besides him and he brought her necklace out. We all noticed it had a V symbol. Grandfather said she was the third heir and mother protested in anger.

"How can she be when I'm his wife?" she yelled

"You don't by chance have a V necklace do you?" Grandfather said

After reading the will again for Tah Shay to hear, letters from Abeoji were handed over to us. Tah Shay took her letter and left. Na Kim went upstairs with his. Mother left angrily. The lawyer and everyone else present disappeared except for grandfather, I stared at my letter, afraid to read it.

"My child! You should read it" grandfather said

"Ani! I don't want to know how mad he was. I'm going to save it for another time" I replied and left


Natasha's POV

When I received the letter, reading it was not on the list. I felt he probably was mad at me or hated me especially when I never replied his letter while I was in the States. I went to his grave to talk to him as usual.

"Abeoji, did you just give me your wealth? Wae? Ani! Gangsamnida. I came back for revenge but I won't let you down either. Right now.....this letter... I can't read it. Miane haeyo, I don't want to know if you're disappointed in me yet. I want to believe you love me irrespective of who I've become"

I sat down in my normal position right next to his grave and let the wind comfort me. My phone rang after a while and I received an invitation to attend Park Ji-Won's bridal shower.


Na KIm's POV

A surprise bachelor's party was thrown for Bee Na although his wedding was far away. Every important young male figure showed up. It was held in an hotel room and in the opposite room, Park Ji-Won had held her bridal shower. I watched my brother bury himself in alcohol.

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