I didn't doubt her abilities, she had dragons blood flowing in her veins, of course she could kill me if she wanted to, she could kill anyone with one small movement.

I made my way down to the forrest and performed the spells to allow me through the wards before I began my search. I listened for any sound of heavy breathing, or any movement. After about three minutes of walking, I could hear her, I heard her pants as something hit a tree next to me. I turned to the tree and spotted a dagger stuck in between the dark bark, as I looked to the direction of where it came, there she was.

Fuck she looked good.

A black fitted long sleeve shirt with grey sweatpants, it was casual and possibly not the greatest thing to wear for training, but she looked too good to be true. 

"Morning." I smirked as I looked her up and down for possibly the hundredth time.

"Morning asshole." She smiled as she walked closer to me. 

My breath hitched slightly in my throat as she pressed her body against mine then pulled away once she pulled the dagger from the tree behind me. That was undeniably hot. 

"So, what else you got Deer?" I smirked.

She rolled her tongue against her cheek with a dark smirk before turning around and walking away. I narrowed my eyes in confusion as I began to follow her. She lead me to a clearing in the forrest, every single tree surrounding us had a target ring burnt into the bark with hundreds of marks around the perfect circles, made by the small daggers she held in her hands.

"Theo taught me how to throw, how to aim, how to hit what I wanted." She said to me while looking up though her eyelashes. 

I could take her right here, right fucking now.

 "Unfortunately, that was all he taught me before he... left." She turned her gaze away from mine.

"Well then, start running." I smirked.

"What?" She laughed in confusion.

"I need to see what you can do. So I'm going to count to five, and you're gonna start running." I said slowly.


She stayed still.


She cocked her head.


She turned.


She was running.


I chased after her.

She ran quickly, weaving through the large trees, trying to throw me off. I wasn't too far behind her, maybe if she had of started when I told her to, she would have been further ahead. Her breaths were heavy as she continued to run at full speed. She didn't bother to turn back to check how far behind I was, good. If she turned, she could hit a tree. She was smart.

My eyes were set on her, focusing on my pace as I tried to catch up to her. I was about two feet away from her, readying myself to grab her waist. Though she did something that caught me completely off guard. She used a tree to swing herself around the other direction, running back to where we came from. It took me a second to realise before I turned around and continued to follow. 

Her breaths became distant as her frame began to disappear, I was far behind now. She had completely took me by surprise. My eyes flicked around through the forrest, looking for any sign of her. My heart almost left my body when my jumper was suddenly stuck to a tree behind me, a dagger was holding me there, one thrown precisely to trap me. 

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