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note: y/n annoying the bed head boy

also y/n's quirk is that she doesn't sleep :)

word count: 746


"what if someone's prison name was electric chair," y/n said, happy to see shinso was already giving her the side eyes, "because they kill the other inmates?"

the male stood, grabbing his bag and book he'd been peacefully reading, and leaving. "never talk to me again." he said, not even glancing back as the girl whined.

"buddy! you can't just leave." she called, standing and rushing after him.

"we came here to study and you're already spitting-"

"straight facts, i know, but we can still study." she finished his sentence, smiling at him as he glared.

"you give me a headache." he complained.

"nope, the combination of two hours of sleep and four cups of coffee and a monster is what's giving you a headache." the girl said, grabbing shinso's hand and leading him back to the tree they'd been sitting under.

"maybe you should let me go to sleep then?" he said back, getting waved off by his friend.

"like you could actually fall asleep." she teased, grabbing a book from class and skimming over it, "you probably wouldn't be able to sleep even in a bed of clouds."

the boy scoffed, the girl wasn't helping his headache at all and the teasing about his insomnia made him remember it was only 4:00. this meant he still had all tonight to get through, with most likely only a handful of hours spent sleeping.

"come on, teach me algebra!" y/n said, much too happy and energetic for the males liking.

"you know how to do long division, right?" he asked, earning a blank look from y/n, "you're joking."

"teacher never cared to explain it to me. that's also why i don't know how to read a clock and why it took me so long to understand money." y/n said, opening their textbook to the page assigned by the teacher.

"that's sad." he said, the girl looked up to him and made eye contact before smiling and laughing. while he smirked and rolled his eyes, she leaned back and got as comfortable as she could sitting against a tree trunk.

mimicking her movements, shinso set his book aside and began explaining the problems to y/n. helping her work through them and find consistencies in the problems to break them down to something small and easier to understand.

"after this one you're done." he said, watching as she scribbled down the formula and solved the problem on her own.

he couldn't help but feel slightly prideful, knowi he helped her in a way that she'd remember everytime she performed the task. "after this i just have english stuff to work on." she said, smiling and wiggling around as she silently celebrated her completed homework.

"do you need help with it?" shinso asked, head resting against the trunk of the tree as his eyes grew heavy.

"nah, english is my best subject, i should be good." she said, now distracting herself with her computer as she checked for online assignments.

"lit." the short response got a chuckle from y/n, who glanced over to shinso.

there she saw him, as in really saw him.

she'd always thought of him as nothing but a friend. someone to tease and laugh with as they grew up and figured out who they wanted to be.

but as they grew, as their ambitions grew, y/n's love for the male did as well.

seeing him work so hard for what he wanted was attractive as all hell. seeing him succeed and continue to stay humble and push himself was something she admire about him.

he never rested, both metaphorically and not.

the soft sounds of snores made her smile, stealing a peek of him and all his beauty.

scooting closer, she let his head fall to her shoulder as she typed on her computer. his hair like a pillow, it was the only thing that brought y/n so close to the feeling of being peacefully tired.

the feeling of your eyes closing as you just laid there, letting sleep over come your body as a smile rested on your lips and your whole body relaxed.

the feeling of absolutely blissful sleep fogging your mind.

though of course, she could never actually go to sleep.

glancing over to the male though, she was happy he finally could.


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