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notes: ok so bc ✨women✨ y/n is gay... again.... sorry if you don't identify as a wlw

also, in this i pretty much made a god of the straights™ and a goddess of the gays™ so if you don't like stuff about people/characters getting called gods then don't read please

word count:


two holy bodies stood tall among a clouded field, both draped in velvet cloths tied to them with gold and silver.

"you should really get your kids under control." the girl said, head dropping slightly as she looked over her friend.

"y/n, whenever i ask you how you tell me to just make them allies." he said, glancing over to the girl as she groaned.

she looked to him, hands waving as she began to speak, "i still don't understand why they just can't be allies! why do some of your straight humans have to not support my gay babies?!"

"because," he started, "as much as i too hate it, humans won't seek change and improvement if there is nothing to improve upon."

"that's bullshit." she spat, getting a soft glare from her friend. "we both know that's not true, it's just an excuse made by the old homophobic gods before us to keep the lgbtq+ population under the straight population." she sighed, looking around the scape around them both. "we can literally do whatever we want, we don't have to follow the rules." she said, getting a nod from her friend causing a smile to break her lips.

"i agree, we have the power to do what we want. but that doesn't mean we should." he said, getting another groan from y/n.

"just kill off all the old homophobes and have them reborn as allies, it's not that hard." she muttered, getting a tilted look from her godly friend.

"and what about all of your kids with internalized homophobia?"


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