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Milo POV
The next day.

"I did what I thought was best for us. I don't want a divorce. And I fucked up, and this is my way of trying to make it better." I said holding Mila in my lap.
"Then what's the rush? You know you fucked up, so why not take the time to make things right instead of going to do something drastic like withdrawing your divorce?" He asked looked at me like I was crazy.

"Then what's the rush? You know you fucked up, so why not take the time to make things right instead of going to do something drastic like withdrawing your divorce?" He asked looked at me like I was crazy

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"Exactly. If you want to fix it, why not just fix it? You talking about it young blood but you not being about it."

"I live in New York

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"I live in New York." I said like it was a given.
"So the fuck what? And she stays in Georgia. She's spent the last six months coming to New York every weekend so you could see your daughter. The least you can do is return the energy, and show her you trying to be there and you tryna make things right." T'ziah said.
"Righteously. I did it for Taelyn when she was in college. Trying to win her back. I know you love baby sis, cus you sitting here pouring out your heart to two niggas you then went blow for blow with expressing it. That's growth, just keep growing." Key added.
"As much as I love to see male bonding, Tiana is on the way to get Mila, and you can't be here." Teya said pointing at me.

"She's right

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"She's right. I should go." I said looking at Mila. I wasn't trying to upset Tiana, I just wanted to make things right.
"Nah. We're talking, you not going no where." T'ziah said.
"If she comes in here and sees him sitting on the couch chopping it up with y'all, she's going to think y'all are betraying her. You're her brothers, have some loyalty." Taelyn added.

I could tell she had been talking to her sisters, but she was only giving them half the story cus she only had half the story

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I could tell she had been talking to her sisters, but she was only giving them half the story cus she only had half the story.
"How can you sit here and not be angry with him for what he did to your sister?" Teya asked T'ziah.
"Because he's always going to be my nieces dad. And because what he did to my sister, I once did to you too. We all make mistakes." T'ziah added.
"And I also did it to you bae. So we can understand better than anyone what he feeling. But look at how we turned out. We thriving now. Don't y'all want that for your baby sister?" I asked Taelyn.

"Want what for me?" Came around the corner.

She looked around the room until her eyes fell on me

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She looked around the room until her eyes fell on me.
"Mommy!" Mila squealed.
"Mommy big girl." Tiana said exciting taking her from my arms, as they hugged.
"It's always nice to see where everyone's loyalty lies." Tiana said sarcastically.
"I came to them. It's not like that." I explained.
"Not like what? Like my soon to be ex husband is sitting in a room with my siblings, as if he didn't just tell me earlier this week he had another bitch pregnant?" Tiana snapped at me.
"Let me take Mila in the room with the kids." Teya said taking Mila from Tiana.
"If you had let me finish you would know that there isn't a baby Tiana." I said.
"There isn't?" T'ziah asked.
"No. She had an abortion." I said.
"Oh that's just great. You're really an amazing person Milo, you really outdo yourself everyday." Tiana said.
"Aye chill out with all the sarcasm. Let the man explain cus clearly no one has the whole story." T'ziah warned.
"Do we need it? He started it out by saying he got the bitch pregnant!" Tiana yelled.
"Yeah I did, but I wasn't doing anything more than you were doing Tiana! You did the same shit!" I yelled back, feeling annoyed.
"Everybody calm down. What the hell are y'all talking about?" Key asked.
"This is why before you went to bashing me to your family, you should have gotten the whole story first." I said to Tiana.
"Please save it Milo. I don't want or need the story. Knowing that there was another woman carrying your child after all we just went through hurts enough. Why can't you understand that?" She asked in tears.
"I can understand! But what you have to understand is that I would never do that to you. She trapped me Tiana. Poked holes in the condom, when I was taking your call. I did my part by wearing protection. But she was so hell bent on being a baller's baby mom, that she went to the extremes. The abortion was her idea, I just respected it." I explained and the room fell quiet.
"Y'all need counseling." T'ziah said shaking his head.
"You ain't never fucking lied." Key added.
"Tiana baby, say something." Taelyn coached.
We all looked to her waiting on her to say something.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. Hell I'm sorry this happened to us, but Milo my decision is final. I don't want to be married to you anymore." She said wiping her tears. Going towards the back. I looked between T'ziah and Key. My body wanted to go after her, but my heart said let her go.

"Just don't give up." T'ziah said shrugging before heading to the back too.

How could I not? She had the whole truth and looked me in my face and still told me she was done. I couldn't force her at this point. All I could do was respect her wishes.
"I'm out." I said standing to my feet. Leaving out the house, my whole world had been shattered.

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