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Blue POV
Halloween Party.

"You sprung my boy, they on the way. I just talked to Tiana." Milo said bringing me a cup.
"It ain't that man." I said shaking my head.
"Then what's up cus you over here looking like you lost your best friend." D added.

"Hey Blue." A female voice cut us off. It was a girl we went to school with Heaven.

"What you supposed to be dressed as ma?" D asked

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"What you supposed to be dressed as ma?" D asked.
"A stripper." She responded.
"But aren't you actually a stripper?" He asked. She nodded before returning her attention to me.
"Did you get my picture?" She asked.
"Yeah I got it." I said. She sent me nudes frequently but this was different kind of picture.
"If you need me to help you feel better, I'll be around." She said stroking me through my pants. With that she walked away.
"What kind of picture?" Milo asked.
"Man, I don't even understand this shit." I said pulling out my phone.

"Nah bro she gotta be smarter than that

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"Nah bro she gotta be smarter than that." D said.
"Is she?" I asked annoyed. "Because she was supposed to come over yesterday and never showed. And I haven't heard from her. So maybe she not smarter than that." I snapped taking my drink to the head.

"Bro you gotta calm down, you know sometimes things not what they seem." Milo said.
"Well imma be the one to find out." I said laying eyes on Heaven again.
"Nah bro that's a disaster waiting to happen." D said.
"I just wanna talk." I said.
Going in her direction, I pulled her along as I headed down the hall into one of the rooms in the mansion we were renting.
"I wasn't expecting you to come so early in the night, but if you insist." She said pulling her shirt over her head exposing her perfectly sculpted breast.
"Nah ma this ain't that. What happened before you took this picture?" I asked.
"Mmm something about she belongs to him, and I didn't catch the rest." She said walking to me putting her hands in my pants.
"But was it a hostile conversation? Did she leave with him? I need more details." I said, ignoring completely how she had my dick sprung out.
"I can look into it for you, but right now I'm a little busy." She said dropping to her knees.
"Wait wait." I said trying to step back but she was already stroking me.

The door opened and just as quickly as she had me exposed, I stuffed myself back into my pants.
"So that's what it is huh Blue?" India asked from the door chuckling before heading back out. Hurrying to catch her, I grabbed her wrist but she snatched it away.
"I know that looked bad, but it wasn't that." I damned near pleaded.
"Yeah well it sure looked like it. But it's cool I don't need your explanation." She said attempting to walk away again but this time I pulled her back pressing her against the wall.
"Hold down, I wouldn't have even been in that room if you had bothered to show your face last night or even pick up the phone to say you weren't coming anymore." I said looking down at her.
"Something came up." She said avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah like your ex?" I asked forcing her to look at me.
"Who told you that? Her!? I told that bitch mind her business." She said trying to get past me to go in the room after Heaven.
"It don't matter if she told me or not. You didn't. And that's the problem here."
"I was going to. But I didn't want you thinking it was something that it wasn't. But I see you on some get back shit regardless of what it was or wasn't." She snapped at me.
"Then what was it then? Cus it seem real sketch."I snapped back.
"How bout you go in there and ask her? Y'all seem real acquainted." She said sliding from under me.
"Aye man didn't I say hold down!" I semi-yelled at her. She looked at me like I had two heads but she was forcing my hand here.
"Have you lost your mind yelling at me Blue?" She asked.
"No, get your feelings out that shit, and talk to me like an adult fool." I said more than aggravated now. Kissing her teeth she pushed me off of her, disappearing down the hall.

I honestly didn't even know if she was worth the chase anymore. Shorty was giving me too many problems, and wasn't trying to be held accountable for them. Shaking my head I went back into the room. She thought I was such a grimey nigga, I guess I'd be that tonight.

"You handle that?" Heaven asked me laying on the bed as she played with herself.
"Yeah, now imma handle you." I said.
She grinned pulling her panties off. Reaching in my pocket I pulled out a rubber, shrugging I put it on.
"You sure your girl won't be mad?" She asked, smiling from ear to ear as she stroked me and put me at her enterance. Not saying another word, I gave her a long stroke entering her. She moaned loudly.

It is what it is.

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