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Milo POV

"I can't believe I let you convince me to do this shit." Blue said opening the bag with money.
"You sold half a kilo, you in the shit now." I said, as we headed to meet Jerome.
"I swear I don't think this is going to go how you expect it, but you're my brother. I ain't gone let shit happen to you." He said as we dapped each other up.
"Same bruh."

Pulling up the trap house. I put my car in park, jumping out grabbing the bag full of money. Just as I was headed to the door my phone vibrated.


Sighing now just wasn't the time. I know I'd have to deal with her later but not right now.
Knocking on the door, it was opened with guns in our face.
"The fuck." Blue said from behind me.
"It's Milo." One of the niggas said pulling his gun down opening the door wider letting us walk in.

Walking down the hall I knocked on the office door.
"Come on." Jerome yelled.
Opening the door we entered.

"Wasn't expecting you to show your face after my sister called me

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"Wasn't expecting you to show your face after my sister called me." He said.
"Yeah about that..." I started.
"I get it, can't let feelings get in the way of money. But that's my baby sister we talking about." He said seriously now looking me right in the face.
"Yeah I know and I never meant to hurt her. " I said honestly.
"She say you found a new partner to work with. Introduce us." He spoke.
"Blue this is Jerome, Jerome this is Blue."
"For your sake you better be glad she spoke your nigga up, and asked me not to kill you. I'm giving you 6 kilo's to push and I'll collect my money at the end of the month." He said.
"I can't do it no more Jerome, I can't keep sneaking behind my baby mom's back. Shit starting to catch up with me." I said honestly.
"I don't give a fuck!" He yelled. I wanted to shoot this nigga and get it over with. "You sell these 6 ki's before the month is over and you can be out. And I better have my 50k at the end of the month." He said. That was a lot to push. And doing that behind Tiana's back, it wasn't going to work. I needed Jayda at this point.
"Alright Bruh." I said.
"The shipment will be here in the morning, where you want it delivered since you dumped my sister." He said.
"Bring it to her house still, I'm going to talk and apologize to her now." I said semi telling the truth. He nodded fanning me off.

Heading out with Blue behind me.
"You ain't gotta do this bro, you got too much to lose." He said as we got in the car.
"Bruh the only way I can get out is selling this 6 ki's. I can't do the shit by myself." I said frustrated.
"Bro you heard her she wants nothing to do with you."
"I don't give a fuck about that, I'm at the point where imma just do my dirt and when it's time to face my woman I just lay it all out."
"So what you gone fuck Jayda to get her to help you sale some coke!? That's dumb! What the fuck you even marry Tiana for if you was gone do some dumb shit like that!" He said yelling as I pulled off.
Shaking my head, I knew he was right but if I wanted to set us up for the future it was certain sacrifices I needed to make.

Dropping him off at his crib, he got out leaning against the window that was rolled down.
"Bruh you don't have to do this? Think about your family man."
"I'm thinking about my family!" I said frustrated.
Pulling out the driveway, I made my way to Jayda's.

I didn't expect him to understand. I got two other mouths to feed, and I couldn't afford to be away from them for that long especially not now with Mila being a baby still. All of this was for them. Maybe not stringing Jayda along. But those were the stipulations of her helping me and I needed the help.

After awhile I pulled up to Jayda's. Taking a breath I got out. Heading to the door. Knocking on her door I waited hoping she didn't leave me out here.
"What are you doing here?" She asked standing at the door.
"I need your help." I said pushing her in the house closing the door behind me.
"No we had an agreement and you ruined it by going to get married."
"I didn't do it to hurt you and you know that." I said towering over her.
"Do I know that?"
"You should. And I really need your help, he has me pushing a whole two extra ki's and I can't do it on my own."
"You have Blue."
"Bruh you know he don't know how to do this like you and I, and if I don't have extra hands imma be selling for the rest of the year. I'm willing to do anything." I explained. I knew I would regret it but it would pay off in the end.
"Anything?" She asked looking me up and down. Even though I was praying she just wanted a big percentage of what I made, I knew it wasn't gonna be that.
"Yeah Jayda." I said.
Nodding she took me hand leading me to her room.

"Strip me." She said standing in front of her bed.
Shaking my head guilt set in. I really couldn't do this.
"Anything but that." I said.
"Oh so you'll do anything but fuck me?" She asked.
"Yes Jayda. I'm not trying to cheat on my wife, I'm just trying to sell these fucking drugs." I said frustrated.
"But you said anything, and don't forget you're asking for my help." She reminded pulling her shirt over her head. Leaving her in her bra and the shorts she had on.

"So it's either you want my help or you don't." She reminded.
"So you fucking for money now? Cus that's what this is to me. It's about the money." I said loudly that she was really trying to force my hand.
"Call it what you want, but I'm tired of Tiana having one up on me." She said stepping close to me placing her hands on my chest. "You may have married her, but you're about to fuck me." She said lowly standing on her toes kissing me.

It was too late. And by this point, I had already fucked up. Kissing her back, she ran her hands under my shirt. Laying her down on the bed, we continued to kiss. Pulling her shorts down, I was exposed to her perfectly shaved vagina, that wasn't covered by any type of undergarments.
She was already dripping wet.
Looking at me her eyes were screaming for me to fuck her. Running my finger between her second pair of lips, she moaned lightly. Watching her squirm I pushed two fingers in.
"Mmm Milo." She moaned as I worked my fingers in and out, massaging her with my thumb. Stopping I realized my phone was vibrating again.
"Ignore it." She instructed. But I couldn't pulling myself fingers out of her I pulled my phone out.


"Fuck." I said standing up still not answering the phone.
"Where are you going Milo?" She asked.
"I can't do this to her Jayda!" I yelled showing her my phone which showed Tiana's call with a picture of her and Mila.
"You were already doing it!" She yelled back.
"Yeah well I can't do it no more, I'm sorry. If you can't help me unless I fuck you, I guess I'll just figure it out." I said turning to leave but she grabbed my arm.
"I'll work with you, but you have to tell her you're selling. I'm not doing this sneaking around shit anymore with you." She said.
"You want me to tell her that I'm selling but leave out the fact that I almost cheated on her multiple times!?" I yelled.
"Yes! That is the only way." She said.

Sucking my teeth, I walked out the door letting it slam behind me.

Sorry loves it's been so long!
What are your thoughts? Personally even a lil finger action is cheating but that's just me! 😈

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