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Teya POV

Trigger warning ⚠️

The plane ride home was dangerously silent. We parted ways with our friends, and now it was just us on the ride home.
"I wish I could check on Tiana, and see if they made it home safely but no thanks to you, now we're both blocked." I said frustrated as we pulled into the driveway.
"I'm sorry Teya, I'm sorry that I fucked things up for the family. What do you want me to do about it at this point?" T'ziah turned to me asking me.
"I don't know T'ziah."
"Then why keep bringing it up? I can't apologize because she blocked me too. All I can do is wait for her to come around." He said. Shrugging I got out the car. Going to get Wynn out of his car seat, Nova held my hand as we walked towards the house. He grabbed our bags.

It was 8 o clock at night, and we were all tired.
"Go to your room and take your clothes off, im about to run your bath." I told Nova.
Coming in the house behind me, he closed the door putting our bags down.
"Can you bathe Wynn, while I bathe Nova?" I asked him and he nodded.
Taking Wynn from my arms, he headed towards our bedroom. I headed towards Nova's. She was passed out on the bed sleeping, butt naked. Chuckling, I drew her bath. Then went to retrieve her from her room.

Putting her in the tub, she could barely hold her head up.
"I'm sleepy mommy." She said.
"I know baby, but you gotta get clean."I said washing under her arms.
"And then I can go to sleep?"
"Then you can go to sleep."

She nodded, letting me clean her. Getting her out the tub, I tried her off, and motioned her up. Putting on some pajamas, I laid her in the bed.
Hitting her lights.
"Goodnight Novie, I love you." I said.
"Love you mama." She said.
Heading out the room I bumped right into T'ziah.

 Heading out the room I bumped right into T'ziah

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"Wynn is in the bed." He said.
"In our bed?" I asked.
"Nah his own."
I nodded as he went in to tell Nova goodnight, I went to our room.

Running the shower, I got in letting the water wash over me. Feeling the cool air, I knew T'ziah was joining but we said nothing. Pulling my body to his, he kissed the back of my shoulder.
"Sex is not going to fix the damaged you've caused our family." I said.
"Yeah I know, but I miss you." He said lowly.
"You've seen me everyday for the past few weeks how can you possibly miss me?"
Bending me over, he slid in. Moaning I looked back, as he hit his lip. The water was falling on my back.
"I missed how you felt." He said pulling my hair as he stroked me from the back.
"Mm fuck." I said as I threw it back. Something about I miss you/ I'm sorry sex did it for me everytime.

I hissed as he slapped my ass. Turning me around he picked me up, placing me against the wall. Looking me right in the eyes as he stroked me.
"I'm sorry." He said. I nodded. "You hear me?"
"Yeah I hear you." I responded, too focused on getting my nut to entertain his half ass apology.

I peeled my eyes open feeling shifting next to me.
T'ziah was reaching for his gun.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"There's somebody at the door." He said sliding on his house shoes.
"What time is it?" I asked, tapping my phone seeing it was 2:45 am. I frowned who would be at our door at this time of night.
"Go in the room with the kids, until I say come out." He said getting out the bed, doing the same I went in Wynn's room and grabbed him in my arms, before going into Nova's room. Locking the door, I climbed in the bed next to her, laying Wynn in the middle.

I tried hard to hear what was going on but failed. I needed to make sure T'ziah was okay but I couldn't leave my kids.
Pulling out my phone I called my mom.
"Hello?" She said groggily.
"Hey mom, something is wrong. I need you to come get the kids. Come through the back though." I said.
"Okay I'm on the way." She said and we hung up. Looking at the kids sleeping, I got out the bed.

Opening the door, I almost jumped out my skin seeing T'ziah standing there.
"Didn't I say stay until I said otherwise." He said looking disappointed.
"I was worried. I couldn't hear anything." I said.
"Exactly, anything could have happened to you. Be smart." He said, grabbing my hand we headed down the stairs, I was confused by April and Tim sitting on our couch.
"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked and then I noticed April had been crying.
"I think Amir has done something to my daughter. Her phone is disconnected and we can't get in contact with him." April said. And my heart pounded.
"Have you tried calling him?" I asked T'ziah.
"Yeah been trying nothing." He said. "I'm about to take them over there, it's late they could be sleep."
"I'm going too."
"No stay with your kids." April said.
"No I'm not letting my husband go by himself, my mom is on the way." I said.

Nodding we all waited until my mom arrived.
Getting in the car with T'ziah, April and Tim followed behind.
"You don't think he hurt her do you?" I asked T'ziah.
"Nah that's not like him."
"It's also not like either of them not to answer the phone."
"True but I think we all just thinking out of fear because of their history." He said.

Pulling up to Amir's, we got out. His car was in the driveway.
"He should be here since his car is here right?" I asked.
"Yeah." T'ziah said as we knocked on the door. The house was dark as fuck. I just prayed they were sleeping.
No one came to the door.
"I need to get in the house." Tim said.
"I mean I have a key but I'm really not trying to break in this man's house." T'ziah said.
"T'ziah you have a daughter, and I know you know what intuition is. I have that right now, and something is wrong with my daughter. And I know you love your friend, but he has not always been good to my daughter." April said as she cried. I was now crying too because I knew exactly what she was feeling. The feeling that something was wrong with your child. Even if it wasn't, she wouldn't be okay until she had eyes on her child. Nodding he used his key to open the front door.

The house was eerie silent. Holding onto T'ziah's arm, paranoia was starting to creep up on me. I was scared.
"Baby I gotta go look around the house, stay here with them." He said to me. And I nodded. I stood waiting with her parents while he searched the house.
"He's not here but his car is and that is weird." T'ziah said. "He keeps a spare, in his kitchen. Imma go in the car and see if maybe he left an itinerary or something." T'ziah said going into the kitchen.
Following behind him we went back outside he unlocked the car door.
"Y'all are welcome to look around, second pair of eyes wouldn't hurt." He said from the drivers seat, as her parents searched the passenger and the back seat. Climbing out the car he stood close to me.
"What?" I asked.
He swallowed hard, his eyes watering a little.
"I need you to get back in the car baby, and call 9-1-1." He said. And I cried freaking out.
"Why?" I asked.
"The car has a smell, and I know that smell anywhere. She's in this car baby." He said. "Please just go." Turning around and hurrying to the car.
"Let's check the trunk." April said from the drivers side.
"No, no, no." T'ziah said just as she popped the trunk.
"April." Tim said sadly from the trunk.
She let out a gut wrenching scream, and I turned around immediately wishing I hadn't. Summer was tied up, bleeding profusely out of her mouth, and blood wounds in her head.
"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The operator said into my phone.
"Uh uh, we just discovered a body." I said through my crying.
"Dispatch is on its way." She said and I couldn't listen any further my ears were ringing. And I began to feel hot.

Kneeling over by the car. I threw up.
I couldn't believe this, he actually killed her.

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