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Tiana POV

One week later.

I couldn't believe he was sitting across me like this. In a jumpsuit.

"I just want to know why?" I asked him

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"I just want to know why?" I asked him.
"You look good Tiana." He said ignoring my question.
"Amir cut it out. You killed her. Why?" I asked wiping for my tears.
"Why are you crying?" He asked confused.
"Forget it, I don't even care anymore. Have a great life in here Amir." I said attempting to get up.
"Wait wait." He said. "I'll tell you why."
Sitting back down I was full blown crying.
"I wanted her to be you." He said looking me right in the face.
"You sound crazy Amir."
"Yeah well maybe I am Tiana, but it's the truth. I tried to sculpt her into the perfect woman for me, which was and always will be you. Everytime we'd be in a group setting, and I would have you to compare her to, she suddenly didn't feel good enough. And I would beat her, simply out of anger." He said.
"But you killed her Amir and put her in the trunk. And had I stayed longer, that could have easily been me." I said remembering and suddenly feeling nauseous again.
"And im sorry for that Tiana."
"Are you? Because I saved your life. Cus had my brother known you ever laid a pinky on me, he would have killed you. So who are you to decide that her life wasn't good enough?" I asked.
"Just like I decided yours was. You right. Maybe I could have killed you, but I didn't. I stopped. And I got better for you Tiana. I changed for you. And it wasn't good enough."
"But it doesn't change what you did Amir." I started but my phone began to vibrate.

Milo 🥰👨🏽‍🍼🖤

Declining his call again I returned my attention to Amir.
"The bottom line is this. I suffered long enough for the mistakes you and my brother made. Summer had nothing to do with that. And she didn't deserve this. I hope you rot in here Amir." I said wiping my tears as I headed out of the jail.
Getting in my car, I locked the doors. And my emotions suddenly began to take over.


Holding my face I was afraid to look at him.
"Baby I'm sorry." He said attempting to comfort me. "You just always have something to say." He explained.
"I'm ready to go home Amir." I said.
"But baby I'm sorry. Please just stay with me." He pleaded.
Contemplating staying I felt torn. My dad was back home, and was beating me like he never left. And here my boyfriend, who I had come to feel protected by had slapped me across my face. Surely this had to be better than going back home. Sitting down on his bed he looked at me.
"Don't call me stupid Tiana, I took that fall for T'ziah!" He yelled getting upset all over again.
"Yeah well you drove the car too. So to be honest, you both needed to be in jail. And you're the one still selling drugs." I said. And just as easy as I had said it, I wish I hadn't. This time he punched me.
"Shut the fuck up! I ain't rob nobody! Your brother did! But because I'm loyal to him and want to see him excel I took the fucking rap! But I'm not a criminal. You think if I had known what they were going to do to me in there I would have still taken the fall Tiana?!?" He yelled.
"And I'm sorry that happened to you." I said wanting to say more but deciding not to.
"Are you!? Cus while I was in there getting my ass beat! Stabbed and locked in solitary confinement to bleed out. You were out here parading my pussy around for other niggas!" He yelled getting in my face. I was so confused and scared. At the time he was in jail, we weren't dating. We didn't even become anything until he got out, and was in the hospital so how he felt he owned me was so confusing.

"Amir, you're scaring me." I said.
"I'm not trying to. I just feel like you don't even know me." He said pacing the floor. He was very troubled after getting out but could you blame him.
"I do know you. And I know that this isn't you. You're so angry, and I think you should talk to someone." I said. And I was snatched up by the collar of my shirt and slammed into the wall. He began choking me out.
"You think I'm crazy? I never showed you crazy but I will today!" He yelled in my face as he back handed me.
That night he beat the shit out of me.

Laying in a choke hold on the bed, I cried.
"I'll get help." He said into my ear.
But I decided not to say anything.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for putting my hands on you. I'll never do it again, and I'll get help." He said.
Laying there I prayed silently that he meant what he was saying.

Crying, I was grateful when Amir got help. He never laid a finger on me again. He felt attached to me, for seeing the flaws in him, and seeing the worst side of him and still choosing to be with him after that. Never once uttering a word to my brother, it was a secret I planned to take to the grave. But all this time I was in denial saying it wasn't like him to display this type of anger towards Summer, and for that I was guilty. Because if nobody else knew. I knew. And I could have saved her. I failed her.

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