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Milo POV

One week later.

Things in my life were starting to settle down. Things were pretty much the same since the last time I saw Tiana but the energy was much better. She withdrew her file for divorce, and I had been contacted about it. That made me feel much better. But we still hadn't seen much of each other. Not long enough to speak on it.
"So what you got planned for the holiday? Thanksgiving right around the corner." D asked sitting in class next to me.
"Not shit. What about y'all?" I asked looking between him and Blue. These niggas weren't even in my class yet they were in here distracting me.
"Damn I was hoping we was sliding to Nola, like we did every year." Blue said.
"I mean I want to, but I don't know if me and Tiana are in a good enough space for her to come. And I don't want to leave Mila behind." I said honestly.
"Thought you said y'all were good." D asked.
"I said she withdrew her divorce. That's good enough for me."
"Well then it shouldn't be a problem getting her back to Louisiana then." Blue said.
"What's all the pressure about?" I asked chuckling.
"I kind of want to ask India to come to, but I don't want her to feel overwhelmed." He said and I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Damn it's like that?" I asked.
"Nigga don't look like that, you know damn well, you took Tiana home last year." He said arguing his case.
"True." I said chuckling.
"Alright make sure to check canvas for instructions on your papers that are due over the weekend." My professors announced.
"Damn y'all made me miss what she said." I mugged them getting my things together.
"You weren't stunting her ass anyways." D said laughing as we left out the class.

We headed through campus heading towards the yard. Coming up on some other Greeks we greeted our line brothers.
"What's up frat?" One of my line brothers Tim dapped me up.
"What's hannin'?" I greeted back taking a look among the the yard. Everybody who was anybody was out here.
"Not shit, me and the bro's were talking about having a Halloween party." He said.
"That would be live." Blue said nodding.
"It would, kick off the fall break." D added.
"I'm in." I said shrugging. Mila would make a cute football. I know her mom wouldn't go for it though.
"There go your ole ladies." D said nodding across the yard. There sat Tiana, India, their friend Laina and some other girls.
"We'll get at yall about some details, go handle that." Tim said smiling. Nodding we dapped him up. Making our way across the yard.
"Hey Milo." A girl Paris stopped us.

"What's up?""I was just thinking I hadn't seen you in a while, and here you are, lucky me

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"What's up?"
"I was just thinking I hadn't seen you in a while, and here you are, lucky me." She said resting her hand on my arm causing me to look at then back at her.
"Clearly he the only one you see." Blue added.
"You Redz be bold I tell you." D added.
"Dejon. Blue." She spoke with a slight attitude.
"You see little mama across the way with the clique giving us the death stare?" D asked. She looked toward Tiana and back to us.
"Who is she to me?" She asked.
"That's my girl." I spoke returning my arm back to my side.
"Mm interesting. Well don't be a stranger."
She spoke walking away and we did the same.

"Thirsty bitch." India said once we approached them. "Must yall be whores everywhere you go?"
"Whose a whore?" I asked looking around. Before finally letting my eyes rest on Tiana.
She gave me a closed mouth smile before returning her attention to our friends.

 She gave me a closed mouth smile before returning her attention to our friends

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Smirking I sat down, pulling her into my lap.
"Uh uh, not your got your man back and didn't tell nobody!" India spoke looking between us.
"Mind your business." Blue said throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"You done with class for today?" I asked Tiana.
"Yeah, you?"
"Yeah I'm done. You want me to get Mila and take her to the crib?" I asked.
"Why? Thought she was with me this week?" She asked confused.
"I want to take you out." I said.
"Take me where?" She asked.
"Don't worry bout it, put on something nice and bring a swim suit. Meet me at my place at 7."


"Why you mugging?" I asked as I sat across from her.

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"Sorry, didn't even realize it

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"Sorry, didn't even realize it." She said taking a sip of her wine. "You know you never cease to surprise me."
"Why you say that?"
"All this, how you set up such an intimate rooftop dinner in just a few hours?"
"Stop asking questions. Plus even though I trust Kobi with Mila, I wanted us close just in case."
"Well that's very considerate of you."
"Did you bring a swimsuit?"
"I did not."
"Why?" I asked with furrowed brows.
"All of my swimsuits are too revealing."
"Too revealing? For your husband?" I asked taking a bite of my chicken.
"You may be my husband, but this is our first date. Since everything went left that is."
"Our first date huh?" I asked.
"Yup." She said popping the P.
"So does that mean I don't get any pussy since it's our first date?"
"Precisely what it means playboy." She said and I chuckled.
"Girl I know the ins and outs of you. But if you insist."
"You don't know everything." She said lowly.
"Well tell me everything." I said giving her my eye contact.
"I wouldn't even know where to start."
"Try the beginning, cus as far as I know your beginning started with your brother." I said honestly, she never talked about her childhood or life before she moved to Georgia.
She swallowed hard. But said nothing.
"Come on Ti, it's me. I married you before I knew, it's because no matter what happened I'm in love with the woman you've become." I said.

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