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T'ziah POV

"Please leave your message for 901.." The automated messaging system repeated for the eleventh time.
"This is why you don't block your siblings. For fucking emergencies." I said as my knee jumped. I was catching the first flight to D.C to check on the well being of my sister. After Summer's body was found, authorities were contacted. Amir was on the run and my intuition was telling me, he was going to see my sister.
"I know you're worried about her, but you have to calm down." Teya said sitting next to me.
"Calm down? Do you see what he did to Summer? Someone he was suppose to love." I said. My heart ached for her family. And similarly I was scared for my sister.
"But she has Milo. He's not going to let anything happen to Tiana babe." She said, as much as I hated him she was right.

Pulling up to their condo, it was surrounded by police. Jumping out quickly I headed to the door silently praying. The front door of the apartment was wide open.
"Sir we can't let you enter, this a crime scene." A female officer said.
"Crime scene!? This is my sisters house!" I said frantically and she furrowed her eyebrows. Putting her hand on her gun she looked around.
"You need to calm down." She spoke lowly.
"Ma'am we are just looking for his sister to make sure she is okay, as well as her infant daughter." Teya explained.
"I understand that, but there was no woman found in this home. Only two men and a baby. That's all I can tell you."
"Where is the baby?"
"With one of the men, he claimed to be her father."

Knowing how crazy Amir had gotten, it could have very well been him pretending to be Mila's father. Not wanting to hear anymore, we got back in the rental. Letting my emotions take over, I cried out of fear for my sister. Crying hysterically, I prayed my sister was okay.
"We are going to find her T'ziah." Teya said scrolling through her phone.
"We have to." I said lowly. "We have to find her."
Scrolling through my phone, I came across a number I prayed still worked after all these years.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.
"It's T'ziah, I need to speak to you, in person." I said.
"Uh ok, I'll text you my address."
With that I hung up. Teya looked but knew not to question me right now. My phone pinged. Putting the address on my gps I made my way there.

Riding in silence, we pulled up to the house. We pulled at the same time as Key. Trying not to roll my eyes I got out the car.

"What's up blood?" He asked posted up

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"What's up blood?" He asked posted up.
"I just came to holla at Taelyn about something."
"You been angry with her for years and you wanna holla at her now? Nah Bruh holla at me." He said taking a step forward.
"This shit bigger than you bruh." I said feeling annoyed by his antics as I stepped forward too.
"Bigger than me? Nigga you at my crib, where my wife and kids lay they head. It don't get no bigger than me T'ziah. If you try me, imma handle you like a stranger on the street lil bro."
"It's about Tiana isn't it?" Taelyn spoke from the front door.
"Yeah you seen her?" I asked side eyeing Key, giving my attention to Taelyn.
"No I had a bad feeling the other day and called her."
"What she say? Where she at?" I asked.
"T'ziah she has me blocked."
"Fuck!" I said out of frustration.
"Come in." She said opening the door wider. Holding teya's hand we entered the house.

"Have a seat." Taelyn said. "What's going on?"
"I don't know if you know Tiana's ex Amir, but we think he responsible for killing his girlfriend. And we came to check on Tiana but she has us blocked too." I said. And a look of fear crossed her face.
"T'ziah that is horrible. I have not been in contact with her since we left the trip." She said.
"Do you know anybody close to her that we could call?" Teya asked.
"I mean I can call Laina or India. But I have to say they are all pledging and probably don't even have their phones on."
"Pledging?" I asked I didn't even know she made it on line. I feel like I didn't even know her anymore.
"Yeah. But I'm going to try anyways." She said pulling out her phone.

Making a call we all sat silently.
"Laina didn't answer." She said. "I'm going to try India."
"I can't keep sitting around, I need to find my sister." I said out loud.
"India, have you seen Tiana?" She asked into the phone, and my ears perked up.
"Slow down. What hospital?" She asked. And my heart rate went up.
"Okay we're on the way." She said hanging up.
"Whose at the hospital? What hospital?" I asked standing up.
"Sibley Memorial. She was very unclear. Just said Tiana was rushing to the emergency room." She said standing up too.
"As in being transported or meeting someone there?" Teya asked.
"Fuck I don't have time for these endless questions. Can you take us to the hospital?" I asked and Taelyn nodded. Giving Key a kiss, we followed her out the door. Getting in the passenger side, I found myself praying again.

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