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Omniscient POV

Milo sped up the freeway trying to calm his nerves from the call he had just received.

"Milo." India cried into the phone.
"What's up?" He asked sitting straight up on the couch. "She good? Where she at?" He found himself asking out of fear.
"I'm rushing her to Sibley. Paris did her dirty Milo."
He got up, sliding on his house shoes as he held the phone to his ear.
"The fuck do you mean did her dirty?" He asked grabbing his keys, almost leaving Mila. "Fuck." He cussed under his breath. Grabbing her out the baby swing in the living room.
"She is unconscious." She cried into the phone. Not wanting to hear anymore he hung up, as he rushed out the door holding Mila in his arms.
Getting her safely buckled in, he jumped in too heading towards the hospital.

Pulling up at the hospital he threw the car in park quickly jumping out. Grabbing Mila, he threw a blanket over her as he rushed in the hospital.
"Milo." India said as she and Laina greeted him.
"Where she at? What happened?" He asked frantically.
"She paddled her over her back." India explained.
"And y'all let her!?" He yelled causing people to look over at them and Mila to jump in his arms.
"We told her she was going to kill her." Laina said and he chuckled not even realizing tears were falling down his face.
"Yet you stood there and did nothing." He said shaking his head walking away. Mila was crying and he needed an update on Tiana.
"Milo." Came from behind him. "We came as quickly as we could." Taelyn said as she, Key and the girls entered the hospital.
"I don't know shit. I just got here myself." He said.
"Let me get the baby. Y'all get some updates." Key said. Relunctantly Milo passed her over as he and Taelyn approached the front desk.

"Yeah we need an update on my wife Tiana Silas." Milo spoke.
Typing on the computer, she looked over her glasses.
"Yes sir. It seems she just got out of surgery and her doctor will be out with an update soon."
"Surgery!?" Taelyn said frantically.
"What kind of surgery?" Milo inquired.
"Unfortunately sir that is all of the information that I have at this time."The desk attendant spoke.

Looking in disbelief Milo frustratedly turned away. Just as he was about to walk out the door, Tiana's doctor came around the corner.
"Family of Tiana Silas." Catching Milo's attention causing him to stop mid step and turn around. Approaching the doctor with everyone else the doctor looked among all the faces troubled on how much he should share.
"Immediate family?" He asked.
"I'm her husband." Milo spoke.
"And I'm her sister." Taelyn spoke.
Pulling the two to the side the doctor began to speak.

"We did all we could.." He started. And Milo began shaking his head.
"No. No. Y'all always say you did everything but did you? Did you fight for her life like I would have?" He asked in tears.
"Milo, let the man finish." Taelyn begged.
"I'm sorry, we did all we could to save both of them." The doctor spoke again.
"Both?" Milo asked.
"She was pregnant?" Taelyn asked. And Milo looked at her sadly.
"She was... with a little..." The doctor began.
"I don't want to know. If he or she is who you had to save over my wife, I don't want to know." Milo spoke.
"I understand. Tiana is fine and in recovery. But she is grieving and will probably spend a great deal of time grieving. She also has some numbness in the legs from the striking of her spinal cord that we are going to closely monitor but doesn't seem like it will cause any paralysis. But sir I do have to let you know, because Tiana was unconscious at the time that she was brought into us, and refuses to cooperate with police on the investigation. We can't allow anyone to see her." He said sadly.

Milo's stomach dropped.
"You think I did this to her?" He asked lowly and in disbelief.
"I'm not implying anything sir. Just going based off the evidence of her injuries and her refusal to speak." The doctor spoke.
"Let me talk to her. I can get her to talk. I need to see my wife." Milo said approaching the doctor.
"I'm sorry, I will have more updates soon." He said as he attempted to walk down the hall.
"Wait!" Milo yelled, being pulled back by D and Blue. Who he hadn't even noticed had arrived.
"Milo calm down." Taelyn coached as Milo fought hard to get away.
"I need to see her." He cried out. He was having a breakdown in the middle of the hospital.

Closing the door behind him, Tiana's doctor entered her room.
"I have informed your family what you have asked of me." He said sadly.
"Thank you."She said groggily and lowly as she wept softly in the hospital bed.
"But Tiana I am saying this as a husband not as a doctor but he is going through it not being able to see you and know that you're okay. I feel horrible for lying but I won't press the issue. When you're ready, I will allow your family in." He said looking at the young lady who laid before him.
"I just want this time to myself. To grieve alone." She said lowly, as she looked over at her tiny lifeless baby, who laid next to her. Weighing in at just a pound. She wept looking at him. She wasn't ready to face her family, and definitely not ready to face Milo. She felt responsible.

Titan Mylo Silas

Hiiiiiiiiiii 👋🏽👋🏽
So sorry I've been Mia. School is C R A Z Y! But I'll be spending this weekend updating. I've had some great ideas come to me that I want to go in and add to some chapters.
Love you guys 💜

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