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Milo POV
Christmas Break.

"Creeping up on draft day, you excited my boy." My dad Kordell asked as he came into the house we rented out for Christmas this year. It was much bigger than we had ever done, since it was housing all of my family, as well as hers. 15 bedrooms, and 10 bathrooms. This year we were in Conzumel, Mexico.
"Yeah, I'm just nervous as fuck that they gone move me across the country man." I said voicing my true feelings, I didn't want to be away from my family.
"Maybe that's what you need, to get away from that hot ass girl. At this rate, yall will have another baby before the end of next year." My mom scoffed pulling her bags in the house.
"Ands that's their business Amera. They are married, they can have all the damn kids they want. We did. Stop hating." My dad spoke. It was a bad idea for me to have them in the same house, let alone the same room. But I needed to prove to Tiana that we could be a functioning family.
"Enough with marriage talk. Her family doesn't know yet. And I don't need y'all dropping the bomb before we can." I said.
"Good luck with that, you know ma got a mouth on her." Zane said as he and Kia stepped in.
"If she knows what's good for our relationship, she'll be on her best behavior ya heard?" I said to him but mostly to my mom, rolling her eyes.

"Speaking of which, where is Tiana even with my grand baby?" My mom asked.
"They are upstairs sleeping, as soon as Mila is finished napping, I'll bring her down." I said picking up her bags showing her to her room.
"I don't dislike Tiana, I just feel like she's making you do things out of your character. And that's what I don't like." She said setting her bags on the bed.
"Nah it's not out of character. You just never seen me give my all to a person like I do for her. And you have to understand, she's my wife." I said lowly.
"Yeah I understand." She said, kissing my cheek.

I left her room making sure to check on all my people.
Knocking on the door, Parker opened it holding her phone.
"Yes?" She asked looking at me.
"You good?" I asked.
"Yup, just fine. Just keep your brother out my room. I'm trying to vacation away from him." She said closing the door.
Going right next door, I knocked but the door was open. Kobi sat playing 2k.
"You good lil whoadie?" I asked.
"Im straight."
"Iight bet, Parker said she trying to vacation from you, so stay out her room." I chuckled repeating her.
"Hold on y'all, my lil big sister just said she missed me." Kobi said to his friends on the headset. Following me out the room, he went right to her door. Shaking my head I kept on down the hall.

I checked on Zane and Kia, as they were preparing for a nap after their long flight with my parents. Then decided to check on D, cus he was on some simp shit.
"You good bro?" I asked.
"Yup just waiting on my lady to touch down so I can finally get me some." He said.
"Nigga I'm sure she is bringing her daughter." I said referring to Nyla and her daughter Autumn.
"Yeah and that's why the baby got God parents so I can have some alone time with her momma." He said, shaking my head at him.

I kept going, knocking on Blue's door.
"Yeah?" He yelled from the other side of the door.
"You good bro?"
"I'm great frat!" He yelled and I could hear India giggle.
"Y'all disgust me. My folks here by the way." I said and I could hear a thump causing me to chuckle. Finally reaching the elevator I pressed it going to the second floor, getting off I went straight to the room that Tiana and I were sharing.
She and Mila laid in the bed. Mila slept but Tiana scrolled through her phone.
"I didn't know you were up baby." I said, getting in the bed pulling her back side against my front kissing her shoulder.
"Yeah I'm anxious as fuck." She said.
"Bruh if they call while you're here so what? What you gone do hop on a plane and head back to D.C.?" I asked. I could already feel her pledging was going to irk my nerves but I was trying to be supportive.
"Maybe." She said playfully.
"Man bye. They'll just have to get over it. It's the holidays, and you are literally not in the country." I said.

"Everybody from your side make it in okay?" She asked.
"Yup, they all good just finished checking on them."
"Good, I can't wait til we mix the two sides. It's gone be eventful." She chuckled.
"Who all coming?" I asked.
"My brother and sister of course and the kids. Alaysia and Nyla, and baby Autumn. I think Bryce is coming with his daughter."
"No Summer?" I asked but I really was curious about Amir.
"Nope, and no Amir. He didn't want her coming alone, and I told my brother that he absolutely was not invited. So they both stayed back."
"Poor Summer." I said, she was in an abusive relationship and he was dictating her life.
"Also my sister's parents are coming. Teya wanted them here." She said. Nodding hopefully they clicked with my parents. And could keep my mom away.
"That's what's up." I said.
"Oh yeah, and I also invited Taelyn and Key, and their kids." She added.
"Why?" I asked. I wasn't fond of the two of them, the Taelyn chick for having my girl working in a damn strip club and this Key nigga from our first interaction.
"Because I've grown close to them, and Taelyn doesn't have any family." She said. "Now lay down and take a nap with me. We got a long week ahead of us."

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