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Tiana POV

Hell week.
Trigger warning ⚠️

I groaned slightly sitting down on the bench.
"One more week." Laina said trying not to sit directly on her ass.
"One more week indeed." I said trying not to think of the swelling and the throbbing I was feeling in my ass.
"There go your baby daddy." India said. "And his raggedy ass friend."
"I can't believe y'all really broke up." Laina said.
"I can't believe he actually came for another woman right in my face." India said annoyed.
I did not want to talk about that night ever again.
"Wazzam?" Milo asked approaching us.
"Hey." I said lowly trying to keep myself composed. He looked me over but said nothing.
"Y'all wanna grab something to eat?" He asked. And the three of us looked at them.
"Oh hell, I know those faces. They been catching some wood." D said reading the fuck out of us. And Milo frowned at me. Helping me up from the bench he held onto my bicep as we walked, supporting my waist with his other arm.
As we separated from the group, he kissed my head.
"They been hitting you?" He asked me as we walked.
"I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." I practically begged.
"This my first time seeing you all week, and you are literally limping from pain. Don't tell me not to worry about you." He scolded lowly.
"But I am. The week is almost over, and I'll be home before you know it." I said looking at him.
"Tiana don't let them take it too far. Know your limits, and stand for what's right. Don't let some jealous bitches inflict that kind of pain on you. We have a daughter and she needs her mother."
He said as we approached the campus diner.
"Baby didn't I say I was fine." I said once we were inside. "Now can you go get me a cheeseburger?" I asked once we approached the booth. He nodded leaving me and the girls to ourselves. As we all attempted to slide into the booth, while hissing and groaning.

"I'm ready for this to be over." I said lowly.
"Me too." Laina added. The men returned. Laina sat on one side of me, while Milo slid into the booth passing me my food. Across from us, D said across from Laina and India sat next to Blue while they tried not to touch each other children.
"I would never pledge again in my life." Blue said.
"Good thing you don't have to then huh?" India added causing us to chuckle.
"Did I ask you?"
"You asked the table."
"No I was speaking out loud."
"Y'all cut it man. We just tryna enjoy our lunch." D said. Turning to Milo he was dressed in workout clothes.
"You had practice today?"
"Nah it was pro day. Coaches from different teams come out and watch us max out on weights, and on our running." He explained.
"Oh how do you think it went?" I asked him.
"I think it went well. Eagles coach talked to me. So did the panthers, and the giants. Really a lot of people. I think I got a good shot." He said.
"I'm so proud of you baby." I said stroking his beard as I kissed him.

Clearing of a throat caused us to separate.

"Ladies it's time to go

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"Ladies it's time to go." She said rolling her eyes at me and Milo.
"It's the middle of the day. Where they going?" Milo asked.
"You know better than to ask me anything about my neos Milo. Let her out." She nodded at me.
"Alright man." He said sliding out the booth.
Sliding out behind him, Laina followed suit. Paris began to walk away. As me and the girls attempted to walk Milo pulled me back. "Remember what I said. Speak up for yourself. You got too much to live for." He said kissing my lips. I nodded, and followed the girls.


I was struck again with the wooded paddle.
Biting my lip, I was praying the end was near. We continued to recite the first meal, in unison.
"No! Y'all are not in unison! Tiana you are off!" Paris screamed, sending the paddle to my ass again.
"No I'm not." I said lowly.
"What!?" She snapped.
"With all due respect big sister, I am very much in sync with my line sisters." I spoke tired of being paddled. She was really getting beside herself and I don't know if I could take anymore of being hit before I snapped.
She chuckled.
"Everyone stand up." She said. As I attempted to stand she held the paddle towards me. "Not you." She spoke.
Staying in my kneeling position, I know it was probably wrong to speak out against her like that, but she was singling me out.
"You felt like I was picking you out the bunch? Now I'm about to show you picking your ass out." She said as she struck me with the paddle, this time over my back.
Yelping out. I tried to remain in stance.
"Paris." Someone said but I was blacking out as she continued to strike me over the back.
"You are going to kill her!" I heard India yell.
"Or paralyze her!" Laina added.
"And if Milo finds out you were behind this Paris, he is going to paint this campus red with your blood." India added.
"Fuck Milo!" She cried out, as she struck me again causing my knees to buckle and for me to black out completely.


"Tiana stay with us." I heard India say, as I floated in and out consciousness.
"I can't believe she did this to her." Laina said. But I couldn't see anything.
"Please Tiana." India pleaded but I was blacking out again.

Again! I can not speak for life as a pledge because I never did. But this is fictional story! So sit back, shut up & enjoy 😘

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