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Milo POV

I sat here with this connect. In just one week, I had sold five ki's and I was down to my last one with the help of Blue and of course Jayda. I had too many late nights to go home, so I had been staying at Jayda's. But this time we had an understanding, but that is because she was under the impression that Tiana knew and had put me out. But little did she know when it was all said and down I was going home to my wife.

Everything was working in my favor and I was feeling great.
"I just don't know Milo, knowing you personally I'd buy it no hesitation. But that Jerome character is something else." Diesel the connect spoke as we sat across from each other at this new club called Iceland.
"Respectfully, Milo wouldn't be half the connect he is without Jerome." Jayda spoke out of turn per usual.
"Since when did Jerome start letting his side bitches do work for him?" He shot at her.
"I'm his sister, don't let that bitch word talk you out of a good connect." She said. He looked at me. And I shrugged low key hoping it didn't come to that so I could be done with this shit.

Just as I was about to speak I was cut off.
"So this the bullshit keeping you from coming home to your daughter?" Floated into the section. Standing there her arms were crossed.


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"Ti." Blue said standing to keep her calm. While I felt stuck, and felt like my life had just flashed before my eyes.
"And you, sitting in my face knowing he was out doing dirt. But I don't know why I acted so surprised, your loyalty lies with him." She said to Blue.
"Who are you?" Diesel asked her.
"She's Milo's wife." Jayda spoke slyly earning a look from me.
"Oh so you know we got married but yet chose to keep fucking with him?" Tiana asked her trying to step past Blue causing me to now stand. I was trying to keep calm for the sake of trying to save this connect but seeing her this upset I couldn't anymore.
"You mean he got married and chose to continue fucking me?" Jayda asked and before I could stop her Tiana had lunged at her. Sending a punch right to her face. The men in the section including Diesel stood up. Shaking my head I knew that was it for this connect, not saying anything they left. Turning my attention back to Tiana she was beating the shit out Jayda, grabbing her by the waist I lifted her off and carried her through the club until we were outside.

She kicked until I set her on her feet, and she gave me a shove.
"You've been fucking her Milo!?" She yelled at me.
"No." I said calmly.
"Then what the fuck is up!?" She screamed.
"Nothing is up, I needed her for something. And I'm sorry you had to found out like this."
"What the fuck could you have needed her for that you had to leave me in the dark about!? Did you ask me to marry you because you felt guilty!? Because news fucking flash I can and will still get this marriage annulled! And take me and my baby back to Georgia!" She screamed at me.
"Stop threatening me. You not going no where." I said lowly trying not get mad because I was in the wrong.

"Oh I'm not? Watch me." She said attempting to walk away, but I grabbed her back.
"Don't walk away, and don't talk like that."
"So tell me the truth, did you cheat with her?" She asked. Rubbing my face I didn't know how to answer her.
"Depends on what you consider cheating."I said honestly earning a slap right in the face. I deserved that.
"If you gotta say all that you fucking cheated." She said.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.
"Yeah you are." She said walking away.
"Where you going?" I yelled after her.
"Home, don't bother coming like you've been doing!" She yelled going back into the club.


Pulling up to the house to my surprise Tiana's car was not outside. I panicked a little it had only been about two hours since we left the club, she couldn't have come and packed no shit that fast.
Disabling the alarm I entered the house but it was pitch black and dead quiet.
Turning the light on I noticed a note on the table with her wedding ring on top of it. My heart dropped.

I'm sorry but this is not what I signed up for. It's clear to me that we made a big decision too fast. But fortunately for us, it's not too late to reverse it.

Pulling out my phone I called her immediately. Only for the call to go straight to voicemail. Shaking my head I called again, same results. This time I called India.
"She's not here." She said answering the phone.
"Then where is she? I need to talk to her."
"I don't know Milo, just sleep on it."
"Sleep on it!? She still my fucking--!" I started but calmed down. "She's still my wife and that's still my daughter." I said in a calmer voice.
"And they were your wife and daughter when you were laid up with your ex for a week, doing God knows what. So yeah sleep on it. Because to be quite frank she don't owe you a damn thing." She said and with that she hung up.

I felt defeated as fuck.

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