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Milo POV

Three days later.

"I appreciate y'all for keeping her. I'll be back in a few hours to get her." I said to Zane, as Kia took a sleeping Mila from my arms.
"Or don't. Have the night. She good. Y'all conversation might go better than you're expecting." Zane said.
"I doubt it." I said chuckling.
"Be open minded." Kia said and I nodded heading back to my car.

Today I was going to Tiana's hotel and making her talk to me. Not only had she straight up ignore my text but she hadn't even so much as called for three days. Enough is enough.
In the car, my phone vibrated.

Arya 👀🤷🏽‍♀️

Her damn timing was absolutely horrible.
"What's up shawty?" I said into the phone.
"Hey love. What you up to?" She asked. I contemplated not being honest, but if we grew to be more serious I didn't want to start it out with lies.
"I'm about to pull up on Tiana, we need to talk." I said honestly.
"She's still in New York?"
"Well is the baby at least with you?"
"Nah she's with my brother."

And with that she hung up the phone. Briefly taking my eyes off the road I looked to make sure I wasn't tripping. Calling her back.
"What?" She said into the phone.
"What was that for?"
"How do you even know where your ex is staying? Have you been over there already? And why isn't your daughter with you?" She rushed out.
"No I haven't been over there, but I do pay for and book the suite she's staying in since she is here for my daughter. And because me and Tiana have six months worth of avoidance to discuss. It could get loud and I don't want my daughter to see us like that honestly." I expressed not wanting to argue before having to go and probably argue.
"You know what Milo, you know all the things to say but you know what you have yet to say?" She asked and the line grew quiet.
"What Arya?"
"You have yet to say you wanna know if you and your ex can work things out."
"Cus I don't want to know. We're good the way we are, but she's been giving me the cold shoulder for months and I need to know why. I can't keep raising my daughter thinking we're good when in reality she hates me."
"Whatever you say." She said tiredly.
"Look Arya, I know the situation is new for you. But I'm not forcing it on you. I'm tired of explaining my every move and every feeling to you, because I haven't done anything to jeopardize your trust."
"You've done nothing huh?"
"Let's not do this please." I practically begged.
"We won't, but please don't act so innocent like when it comes to your ex there isn't certain life decisions you make around her." She said and I had nothing to say. "Exactly, have a good one Milo." She said and hung up again.

That was a conversation for another day. Not the day, I was finally about to have a heart to heart with my ex about six months worth of awkwardness between us.
Pulling up to the Ritz-Carlton I pulled in the parking deck, and locked my truck behind me.
Going in, I went to the front desk.
"How can we help you sir?"
"I need a key to a room."
"What's the name on the room?" The man asked typing in his computer.
"Tiana Silas." I said.
"I'm sorry sir but for safety reasons we are unable to give you the key to this room."
"Safety reasons?"
"Yes sir."
"Well I can appreciate that, but I'm the one who booked this room. And I'm also her husband." I said the last part lowly cus I can't remember the last time I had to say that. Showing him my I.D. He looked it over.
"Yes sir, here you are." He said passing me the key.

Heading to the elevators my hands grew clammy. I was nervous. Because Tiana was so guarded it was hard to get to her. And over these six months she has become a new person, I hardly knew her.
Going to the top floor, I got out the elevator heading to the end of the hall.
Using the key I let myself in.

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