"Where is she? Where is my daughter!?" Daniel growled loudly, taking us by shock.

How will he take it? Should I?

"Son... where is she? Where's my daughter!?" Daniel croaked sadly. His voice sounded broken as if he knew the reason of our silence.

I opened my mouth to speak but words were beyond void.

"He has her, doesn't he?" He asked, distress laced in each word.

I nodded in response. Suddenly, Daniel threw the blanket that was draped over him, furiously picking at the IV drip line from his hand to remove it. I helped the doctor hold him down as he continued protesting in anger.

The doctor requested the nurse to bring a sedative as we tried calming him down.

"Mr. Woods please cal-" The doctor started but was cut short.

"Calm! You want me to be calm!? My daughter is gone and no one knows where on earth she is!?" Daniel spat in rage.

"Daniel... Dad... please.... just listen to me. You can't do anything in this state so it's hopeless. We all feel hopeless, ok?" I blurted out quickly, suppressing the urge to shed a tear.

Surprisingly, he cooled down, eyes on me. An uneasy quietness filled the already tense room.

"Can you tell me everything... everything that happened w-while I was...." he trailed off, deep in thought, eyes lowered to his lap.

I know that look. Guilt. Regret. The exact things I felt and feel each passing day. Just as I feel I failed to fulfill my part to protect her, so does Daniel feel. He feels he has failed in the duty of a father.

I sighed before relaying all the recent incidents to him. He was silent the entire time and I hoped he wouldn't retaliate again.

"Do you know who has her?" He asked quite calmly. I chose not to tell him it was Brian, perhaps he might take it either in pure wrath or he'd slip into shock.

I hesitated, cautious not to blab it out.

"Logan... tell me" he asked again.

"Brian did! Ok? He took my baby" Susan exclaimed out of the blue, sinking to the floor and weeping bitterly.

I didn't even notice Daniel climb off the bed to comfort his wife. They equally shed tears of pain and sorrow, embracing each other on the floor.

I quickly wiped away my own tears and swiftly left the room, unable to bear the sight of grief.

The gloomy chill slapped my face as I stood outside, gazing around the place. I inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm my nerves.

Just as I was about to head back inside my phone rang.
I answered it without glancing at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked tactfully.


"Hello?" I asked again impatiently.


"Quit wasting my time! I'm hanging up!" I barked, inches away from ending the call when I stopped midway upon hearing someone speak. A female's voice.

"Hello? I-Is this Logan?" She whispered into the phone.

I was taken aback by this. My gut told me she knew something but what?

"Who wants to know?" I questioned.

"You don't have to know now. I'll introduce myself when we meet. Meet me at the Foxglove Cafe tonight. 8pm sharp. Come alone. No police." She blurted briskly.

"Wait... what? Hold on just a minute. Why would I want to meet you?" I asked gruffly.

She paused a while before replying.

"Because I may know where Brian is..." with that statement said, she ended the call, leaving me in bewilderment and shock.

What just happened!?


Heyyyyyy lovelies!!

Hooray!! Yolanda's dad is awake!! Finally.....

So... who's the mystery girl? What does she know? How does she know? Why doesn't she want to involve the police?
So many questions and such limited answers.....😁

Anyways... hope you all are well. If you liked this chapter, consider voting and commenting. If ya didn't, why are still reading my crappy writing !?😂😂😂

Until the next chapter.....

Take care & God bless.....


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